10 Ways To Annoy People When Listening To Music

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Well hello everyone! So, first day of school was okay to be honest but anyway, enough of my boring life. You know when you're listening to music, and you're really enjoying it and then some annoying idiot starts irritating you? Well, this chapter was based off of that idea so, hope you enjoy!

1. When someone has headphones in, continously pull them out every few seconds.

2. Turn their sound all the way up or just mute their sound and see if they notice.

3. Hide their headphones in a place they won't look. (This is a bit cruel, if I'm being honest).

4. Continously try to talk to them, and if they start paying attention to you, look away and pretend you were never talking to them at al.

5. Anytime they go somwhere, get their headphones and tangle them up.

6. If their headphones are connected to something (EX. Phone), slightly plug them out so when the music plays, it'll play aloud.

7. Switch the speaker settings to make the sound uneven. (This is actually so frustrating).

8. If you're sharing headphones with someone, purposely give them the faulty one.

9. When someone is listening to their favourite song, purposely talk over the music really loudly.

10. When someone is listening to a song that is fairly popular, sing parodies of that song. 

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