10 Ways To Annoy People In A Tent

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Hello everyone! I know I didn't update last week but honestly, everything has been so rushed recently! Um, but I just got back from a hiking camp and thought, tents are annoying in general, why not annoy people in them? So, enjoy!

1. When setting them up, hide the pegs so that the tent doesn't stay on the ground.

2. Hide their shoes as far away from the tent as possible so they have to go get them barefoot.

3. 'Accidently' kick people when sleeping.

4. Hide fake spiders in people's sleeping bags. (Make sure that they aren't aracnaphobic).

5. Breathe in people's faces when they're trying to sleep.

6. Steal their sleeping mat so they sleep on the pure ground.

7. Snore really loud! (Especially annoying because you are very close to each other).

8. Set an alarm every hour and shine a torch light in people's faces while singing, "SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A TORCHLIGHT".

9. Complain about how annoying the others were during the night, once you wake up. 

10. 'Accidently' start talking loud in your sleep, saying things about people in your tent.

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