10 Ways To Annoy Couples (Valentine's day edition)

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Hey guys.So Valentine's day is coming up and to be honest,It's probably my least favorite holiday because I just don't like it.If you're like me and you just don't like this holiday,here are some ways to annoy couples or just anyone acting couple-y  on Valentines Day.(I will be using the word 'couple-y' quite a lot.Even though it's not exactly a word.)

1.When they do couple-y stuff in public scream,"Ewww!!!!" In their faces.

2.If the couple are a friend of yours and are sitting next to eachother,jump in between them and sit in the middle.

3.Invite yourself and others along to all the plans they make.

4.If you want to stoop really low,write yourself cards and act all shocked.(This is only if you're going WAYY down.)

5.If your friend recives chocolates from someone,steal the box and eat on the good ones.

6.Embarras your friend in front of the person they like.(Say something really awkward that usually makes them annoyed.)

7.When people are doing couple-y things,throw items at them.(Items can included;Pencils,Cupcakes,Popcorn,Erasers and anything you find creative.)

8.Steal your friends away from their couples and try to make them avoid eachother.(This one can be mean but,who cares?. Your choice.

9.If you see a friend couple hugging,separate them and say,"And to think,I thought you were normal!"

10.When you see people doing couple-y things,pretend like you are sick.If they ask you what's wrong,reply with,"I'm allergic to you,go away!".

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