10 Ways To Annoy Beliebers

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Ok, look before you say anything. I will make a how to annoy non-belibers next week so please don't freak out and plot ways to kill me because that's not cool okay.Haha anyway, hope you enjoy.

1.Sing contiunes paradies of his songs.

2.When you're around belibers say, "OMG Justin Beaver is amazing!". (Repeat this every now and then.)

3.Keep reminding them about his relationship with Selena.(Please don't rant at me for this..)

4.Make fun of him for going to jail. (Unless you want be punched or hurt.. your choice.)

5.Tell them that his songs make people brainwashed.

6.Tell them that Justin is joining one direction.(Honestly... I don't even know...)

7.Make fun of the name, belieber.

8.Contiunsley scream, "JUSTIN IS A GIRLS' NAME!!!". 

9.Compare Justin to really bad artists.

10.Deface magazines,posters, anything with his face on it and sell them online.

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