10 Ways To Annoy People In Winter

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Hey everyone! So I've been thinking and it's really cold lately. It has been below 7 degrees in my house let alone outside. Suprise, suprise it's winter! So here's 10 Ways To Annoy People In Winter!

1. Have prepared snowballs on the go and throw them at people as they walk past you.

2. If you walk outside and it's snowing, break into song and sing, "Do you wanna build a snowman?"

3. Complain about it being too cold. (Do this constantly)

4. Dress up as if you are preparing for a war. Act like you're in a full on battle with mother nature and have your own theme music when you walk around.

5. 'Borrow' people's jumpers and say, "Santa was getting cold. Don't be rude or you'll get a lump of coal from Christmas!"

6. Continuosly sing Christmas songs. (Only if you have Christmas in Summer)

7. Purposely turn people's heating off. (This is really funny)

8. If it's suddenly sunny, say "Ah! The weather is taking over!"

9. Carry water pistols with you and shoot people with water to pretend you're a spy. If you get weird looks, blame it on the snowmen.

10. Purposely destroy people's snowmen and say it wasn't you. (Make it really obvious that it was you though)

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