10 Ways To Annoy People At A Drive-Thru

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Hello everyone. So this is the new edit. Let me just start by saying I've done one on food delivery people and food delivery and dritve-thru are two different things ok :). So ENJOY!.

1.Drive at a 5km/h around the whole way.

2.When they ask you what you want, say some things off your Grocery list, "Some toilet paper would be good".

3.When you get to the window, act like you can't find your wallet.

4.If your at Mcdonalds or Hungry Jacks, collect your food and slowly start to drive away. Then immedietly come back and ask for your sauce. (Sometimes if your lucky they get super angry and don't charge you for it)

5.Turn on your music up to full blast so when they're talking you can't hear anything.

6.If someone is in front of you, blast your horn at them and say, "Come on! Hurry up!" (do this constantly).

7.Order something you can only order in the store. They'll say, "Sorry we only sell that in store and not through drive-thru" Have a hissy fit.

8.When your ordering, Say, "Yeah I'll have that to go thanks!" (It'll confuse them because a drive-thru is to go)

9.After they finish say, "Welcome to .... please place your order" say, "Hi you reached (Insert name) I can't take your call right now, please leave a message after the horn" then beep and drive away.

10.Have a loud conversation with someone on the phone, when the drive-thru people are trying to talk to you say, "Excuse me! but I'm trying to have a decent conversation and your ruining it!" Then drive off all angry.

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