Unexpected Journey

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Sighing, (Y/N) flopped backwards onto her bed. There was NOTHING to do! All of her friends were out of town or on vacation or hanging out with their families.

It was summer, finally. The beautiful weather blew a cool breeze in through your open windows, fluttering your (h/l) (h/c) hair as well as your (c) shear curtains.

You got up and walked over to them. Kids were playing in the street, laughing, and their parents talked to each other. Flowers bloomed across all lawns, filling the air with a sweet scent. Birds were chirping in the distance and the sun was shining as bright as ever with not a cloud in the sky. It was truly a beautiful day.

Smiling and closing your eyes, you took a deep breath and breathed in the scent of summer, letting the wind kiss your skin.

You had decided to wear a (c) tank top and (c) short shorts today, in hopes that you'd be heading out somewhere today. Oh well. You could always go out tomorrow.

You still couldn't believe that you had graduated from high school. These last two to three months were your last chance at freedom before officially heading on your path to your future. You may never even see a good portion of the people you knew grow up to have families.

You sighed, now in a mood of nostalgia. You turned and headed to look for a certain box hidden underneath your dresser. Ah ha! There it is.

You pulled it out and blew the dust off the top of it before opening it. Inside, all of your favorite books lay stacked together, waiting for the perfect day where you could reread them. Seems like today was a pretty good day to do it.

You pulled out your favorite series, A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. The series had been your favorite throughout high school and held a very dear place in your heart. Yes, this seemed like the perfect series to reread today.

You closed up the box and left out your favorite series, putting it back under your dresser.

A sudden gust of wind blew into your room, giving you the chills.

Brr! I better get a blanket or something to ward off the cold if that happens again...Hey, what's that? You thought to yourself and bent over to pick a long and elegant black feather. In the sunlight, the feather turned a dark violet color.

"Well, that's cool. I'll keep it. Don't know where it came from though..." You said aloud to yourself, looking around outside for the bird that may have lost it.

You slipped the feather behind your ear and laid down on your stomach to read.

After about 15 minutes, you began to feeling tingly, as if your whole body had fallen asleep and gone numb.

"What the hell?" You mumbled to yourself, trying to move your arms to wake them up, only to find that you couldn't move them at all.

All of a sudden, they began to glow and disappear right before your eyes!

"Gah! What's happening?!?!" You cried, panicking, unable to do anything.

And then you felt as if you were floating around in space. The air was full of different colors and the breeze sang a new melody. You felt the presence of every living thing pass by you and bursts of energy coursed through your being. It was the most amazing thing you'd ever felt. But the experience was short lived. Pain suddenly filled you, causing you to cry out and shut your eyes tightly. Then, everything was gone and replaced with only black.

You began to feel the ground, cold and rough, beneath you and feeling returned to all of your limbs again. It was clear to you, even before you opened your eyes, that you were no longer at home.

Bracing yourself for the worst, you opened your eyes. You were in the middle of a giant symbol, in the middle of a great room, which seemed to be in some sort of rock formation. Traces of the spell were lingering around you, meaning that this mark was probably used...to summon you? You had no idea.

Lifting your eyes, you saw somebody you never thought you'd even get to meet in real life EVER.

Rhysand stood in front of you, his power radiating throughout the room. You could hear his power saying his name. You also knew that the pretty Fae female next to him in her crown and wearing a ring on her left ring finger was Feyre.

Feyre held onto Rhysand's arm and was emanating a diversity of powers into the room. The spell circle pulsed a bit every so often, reacting more to Rhysand's power than to Feyre's. He had been the one to cast the spell that brought you here. The magic was singing it to you.

Slowly, you began to sit up.

Rhysand snapped his fingers and another female Fae came out of the shadows, sauntering towards the two of them.

"You know I'm not a dog, right Rhys?" She stopped in front of them.

"You sure about that? You'd do about anything for food." Rhysand smirked at her.

Feyre began to laugh silently to herself, quickly covering her mouth as she did, doing the best she could to not envoke more rage from Mor, seeing as Mor was giving Rhysand a seething glare and grinding her teeth in frustration.

Rhysand turned his eyes back to you, his gaze sharp and observant, but full kindness.

"Please escort our guest to her room, Mor. She's going to have to look a bit more presentable before introducing her to the rest of the Court of Dreams."

You opened your mouth to speak. You had so many questions you had to know the answer to. But before any sound could come out, Rhysand raised a hand.

"I understand that you have many questions that you would like answered, but I promise that all of them will be answered in due time. For now, please enjoy all the hospitality that the Night Court has to offer."

You nodded and shakily got to your feet, your whole body pulsating as the magic sang within you. You nearly toppled over, but Mor was already there, holding you upright and helping you walk towards the hall from where she came in.

"Wait." Rhysand's voice rumbled across the room.

You and Mor stopped and you turned your head to look back at him.

"I want to know your name. What is it?" He asked, his voice soft and full of care.

"It's (Y/N)." You met his eyes with yours.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N)." He nodded in greeting.

You nodded to both of them in return.

"It's nice to meet you both as well."

You faced back forward and headed down the hall with Mor, slowly gaining your strength back to walk on your own.

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