Meeting of the Courts

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Hey y'all... I had no idea that this would blow up like it did, and I want to thank each and every one of you for reading it. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to update this work again, but I seem to have caught a second wind! Please note that updates will most likely be infrequent and that my writing style has slightly changed over the years of me writing this. Thanks again! <3


(Y/N)'s POV

When you woke up still in Azriel's arms in the meadow, your thoughts immediately went towards his injured leg. How could you have been so stupid? Although he hadn't complained of being in any pain, you should've recognized sooner that he needed to stay off his feet.

Sensing that you were now awake, Azriel woke up beside you and gave you a kiss on the top of your head. "Good morning, love." He said in a husky voice, clearly still half asleep. You hummed in response and thought about how sexy his voice sounded in the morning.

Noticing that your attention was on his leg, he lightly put two fingers beneath your chin and guided your face to look up at him. "I'm fine, I promise. I can tell it will be fully healed within a day or so more. It was a small fracture."

"You still shouldn't have been walking on it. I should have at least remembered. I mean, how does someone forget something this important? I know I'm a bit of a forgetful person, but-" Azriel cut you off mid sentence with a kiss on your lips.

"I'm alright, (Y/N). I would have told you otherwise if it had been bothering me." Az told you, running his fingers through your hair. You gave him 'the look' and raised an eyebrow. "I promise. I'm fine."

You leaned into his chest and closed your eyes. "Still..."

Azriel leaned down and pressed a tender kiss onto the top of your head. "As much as I would love to stay here with you and forget all of our responsibilities, we need to get back. Rhys has an important announcement for all of us."

You raised an eyebrow. You hadn't gotten a chance to talk to him about your plan about visiting each spot within the Courts where the massacres took place in order to see if there were any clues that might help you in defeating Tamisra. You wondered if he read your mind without you knowing, or if Feyre had done so and shared the information with her mate.

"He didn't say what it was about?" You asked, slowly rising to your feet, wincing at the stiffness of your muscles.

Azriel shook his head and got up to stand beside you before stretching out his wings and his arms above his head simultaneously. "Time to head back. Ready?"

"Yep." You said, and Azriel scooped you into his arms before shooting up into the sky.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Azriel landed on the roof of the townhouse with ease, as if he had never been injured. Of course, you suspected that he was hiding the pain as to not make you worry so much. You decided to take matters into your own hands before Azriel could intervene.

"Nuala! Cerridwen!" You called down the stairwell as nicely as possible. They appeared right behind you within an instant.

"Yes? How may we assist you (Y/N)?" Cerridwen and Nuala asked together, their hands clasped in front of themselves.

"Could you bring Azriel a glass of water and some painkillers please? His leg is bothering him and he is too stubborn to admit it." You told them, shooting him a look of victory.

Azriel laughed slightly and shook his head while rolling his eyes. "Fine. I'll take medicine for it."

"Good. You shouldn't even be walking on it! Come here so I can help you down the stairs. Nuala, Cerridwen -- we'll meet you both down in the kitchen." You stated, turning back to the shadow maids to find that they had already vanished with a lingering "Will do" in the breeze behind them.

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