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".......(Y/N), wake up!"

"Is she ok?"

"What happened out here?"

"Cassian, what's going on?"

A murmur of startled voices surrounded you as you came back into consciousness. You felt someone lift you up into their arms.

"I'll take her inside to the infirmary. The rest of you look around and see if you find any traces of that aura." A voice you recognized as Rhysand said.

Azriel. You had to let them know about Azriel. Was he ok? Were they helping him? Did they even notice that he was hurt?

You attempted to move, only to find out that you couldn't. You opened your mouth to try and speak but only got out a slight groan.

You felt the air rush around you as Rhysand took flight. You were still trying to get yourself to say that Azriel needed help, but you couldn't.

Everything hurt. It felt as if the life force inside you had been ripped away. You felt empty.

You began to drift out of consciousness again. You heard faint voices speaking quickly to one another and then you felt a soft cushion beneath you.

You blacked out again as you heard someone call out your name.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - TIME SKIP - - - - - - - - - - - -

You felt very heavy. It was as if someone had put a weight on your chest. It was hard to breathe.

But Azriel! Was he doing ok? Did the others help him? You had to know.

You could sense that there was someone else in the room with you. You tried to open your eyes. You let out a soft moan of pain.

"Az... Azriel..."

Your eyes finally fluttered open slightly. The room was dark, but you managed to make out a figure sitting next to your bed.

The figure shifted slightly and leaned forward towards you, reaching up with a hand to brush the hair out of your face.

Through your eyelashes you could just make out Azriel's face looking at you concerned.

His chest and right arm were heavily bandaged and his right arm was in a sling. There was a huge scratch going from the top of his left forehead down to his left cheekbone.

What had happened to him? He looked awful and winced in pain every time he moved. His dark black hair seemed to be covered with either mud or blood.

You could feel his shadows trying to surround you, to give me some sort of comfort. You weren't sure as to why, but it was soothing to know that they were trying to help you, even though they couldn't physically.

It gave you a sense of relief, knowing that Azriel was at least taken care of. You did question as to why he was sitting beside you, rather than lying on a bed of his own to rest. You wondered if he had just woken up and decided to check on you to see how you were doing. That was probably it.

You wanted to know what had happened. You opened your mouth to speak to him when grasped your hand tightly.

Shocked, you were unsure what to do and watched as Azriel just sat there, holding your hand, staring down at it. It looked as if he was... CRYING?!?

Now you wanted to comfort him. You never wanted to see Azriel cry, especially not like this. You thought back to what had happened. Could your magic have been the culprit for his injuries?

There was a good possibility that that was the answer. Your magic exploded within you, causing it to harm you as well as Azriel for being repressed. You really hoped that wasn't the case. You'd hate to be the reason that Azriel was in this condition.

With all your strength, you managed to squeeze his hand back.

"....(Y/N)?" He asked aloud in a whisper, looking up at you.

You let out a small noise to let him know that you were awake. Or at least, for now. You had begun to fade back into the darkness of unconsciousness once again.

Your grip on his hand began to loosen. And, either it was your imagination, or it actually happened, you felt him kiss your knuckles on your left hand.

"Get some rest, (Y/N). I'll be here waiting when you wake up next." He murmed to you softly.

You drifted away, still feeling him holding onto your left hand.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - TIME SKIP - - - - - - - - - - - -

Azriel wasn't there when you woke up next.

You felt much better than you had the last time you woke up and were able to open your eyes with ease. There was no one in the room with you.

Testing your muscles, you slowly pushed yourself up into a sitting position. You felt a sharp pain and glanced down at yourself. Under your nightgown, your chest was completely wrapped in bandages. Your arms, legs, head- you were covered. As you took note of each of them, the pain from your injuries began to set in.

Hissing from the pounding and aches your injuries were causing you, you began to try to get up out of bed. Your nightgown fell to about your knees as you managed to get yourself into a standing position.

Where was everyone? You didn't recognize this room at all. Walking to the end of the room while holding onto the wall, you found a bathroom tucked away in a corner.

A quick glance into the mirror caused you to wince. You looked worse for wear, with deep circles under your eyes.

How long had you been out? You were hoping that the most you'd missed was a day.

After tending to your needs, you made your way back to the bed you had been sleeping in. Just as you were about to crawl back into it, the door to the room opened.

Mor walked in, and after seeing you standing, well leaning, against the bed, she quickly made her way over to you.

"(Y/N)!!! OH THANK THE GODS YOU'RE ALRIGHT!" She cried, grabbing you into a tight hug.

"Mor...How long was I out?" You asked her, wincing at the tightness that she was hugging you with.

"Oh! Let's see.... About 5 days? I think?" Mor pondered, releasing you from her hold.

"5 DAYS?!?!" You cried, going paler than a ghost. The room started to sway and you felt your legs give out from under you.

With one quick motion, she scooped you up and placed you back on the bed.

"You need to rest. I'll go down and let the others know that you've woken up." Mor said, strutting towards the door.

"Mor, before you go, is Azriel ok? I saw him get hurt before I blacked out and I haven't seen him since." You asked genuinely, but lied about not having had seen him.

Mor sighed and turned to face you fully. You cocked your head to one side. Was something wrong?

"Azriel left on a mission 4 days ago. He hasn't come back yet. Rhysand says that he should return soon though."

What? That didn't make any sense. Azriel was way too injured to fly or do any type of mission. Right?

Mor looked worried, even though she was trying her best to convince you that he was well enough to be out on a mission.

After a brief moment of awkward tension between the two of you, Mor turned and headed out the door to alert the others that you were up.

You could only think about Azriel. Where was he? He said he'd be here when you awoke next. You were beginning to worry yourself over him a lot.

I guess I'll just have to ask him when I see him again, you thought to yourself sadly as you leaned back against the headboard and listened to the sound of feet rushing up the stairs to come see you.

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