Plan of Attack

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(Y/N)'s POV

As you stood outside waiting for Azriel and Rhysand to come and join you, you beamed at the thought of your mate. It was surreal to you and you felt the feeling of euphoria captivate your senses. Your mate. Azriel was your mate. You no longer cared if the bond between should or could exist, it simply did, and you would emerge victorious and spend every waking moment to make sure he and the others of this realm were safe from the clutches of Tamisra.

A sudden, familiar sensation filled the air, like a bunch of static electricity building up in the sky. Sensing someone's eyes on you, you immediately scanned the trees and sky above cautiously. Your tattoo lit up as a lavender purple and you felt the magic surge up from inside of you, ready to attack. The electricity and intensity heightened in the air and suddenly you remembered where you had sensed this magic before.

Tamisra, you thought to yourself, clenching your jaw. Your eyes narrowed in concentration, searching for a sign of where she was hidden. A sudden flash of movement caught your eye. Without even thinking, you spun and blasted all of your magic towards it. Waves of black and lavender magic surged against each other and sent a powerful wave out from around the two of you. The cabin behind you shuddered as its windows shattered and the whole building shook, but luckily did not collapse.

Letting out a sigh of relief, you turned all of your attention back to your foe, the two of you still locked together in a fight for dominance with your magic. As you pushed back against her, you were finally able to see her clearly. Her skin was a pale grey, covered with black shimmering scars. Her eyes were a deep and dangerously dark blue and her irises seemed to meld into the color of them. Her hair was pitch black and seemed as if it was made up of pure darkness from the worst storm to ever have existed. Her beauty was straight up deadly.

Grunting, you managed to shove her back a bit further and she narrowed her eyes in annoyance. With a growl, she blasted you backwards away from the cabin. You fell down hard and slid backwards a few feet. As you sprung back up onto your feet, you hurled a blast of explosive magic at her and continued racing forward. There was no way you'd let her harm your mate or Rhysand. You hit her with several more blasts of magic to distract her, putting yourself in between Tamisra and the cabin.

Your new magical abilities rushed through your veins, so much so that you could feel it crackling around you in the air. As she unleashed more of her dark magic, you lit up the sky into a lavender hue. The two of your powers clashed and the world shook from the amount of intensity. As Rhysand, Amren and your destiny foretold, you were an equal match for and perfectly capable of defeating her once you completed more training.

You shifted your entire energy into your next attacks, catching Tamisra off guard. Without being able to block your last attack, she flew backwards into a tree and fell to the ground with a slight moan. As you cautiously made your way towards her, she looked up at you with bright green eyes. Wait, green... They were just blue!! , you thought to yourself, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

Tamisra opened her mouth to say something to you, but before she could, her head shook back and forth violently. When her head snapped back up, her eyes were back to the dark blue that they had been before. However, instead of attacking you, she simply sent out a burst of black dust and when it cleared, Tamisra had disappeared.

Deciding to not question her whereabouts anymore, you raced towards the slightly demolished cabin at full speed, hoping to the Cauldron that Rhysand and Azriel were alright. Before you could even reach the door to the cabin, it swung open with Rhysand helping Azriel limp outside. They both seemed out of sorts, but other than some minor cuts and bruises, they seemed to be alright.

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