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(Y/N)'s POV

You sat in one of the drawing rooms near a warm fireplace to warm up after your shower after your training session. You had been trying to figure out why Azriel was being protective of you all of a sudden and while you wondered about the strange bond, whose presence was still with you. It called you to something- no, someone. You just didn't know who.

Was it Tamisra? Was she calling you, hoping to persuade you into joining her in destruction? Hopefully not. You planned on doing more research about her later in the library, to see if her name came up at all.

Recalling the knowledge that you had gained over the series, you mulled over why you couldn't remember as to what bonds there were. Only deals and mating bonds came to your mind. You hadn't made any deals with anyone, besides the being that had given your powers, but they hadn't spoken to you once and you weren't exactly in the mood to disturb them now. Which meant...

I have a mate! Here! Is that even possible? I'm only human. Wait, Rhysand knew when Feyre was still human that she was his mate, right? Oh dear. But who-? Azriel! You thought to yourself in realization. You jumped out of your chair and began to pace back and forth across the floor.

But did he know? Or was he acting this way because he liked you and didn't know about the bond? No, wait, that's impossible. There's no way Azriel could like me... Right? You thought, skeptical about the entire situation. But now, what do I do about it? Do I tell him? No, that's definitely not a good idea... He might run off again. You bit your lip in worry, not noticing Amren had walked into the room.

"Would you cut that out? You're interrupting my blissful afternoon of peace with all that worry that you're giving off." Amren snapped, glaring at you as she sat in a chair across the room from your frantic pacing.

"Sorry, Amren. I was lost in thought." You apologized, ceasing the motion at once and sitting back down.

Amren huffed and opened a book that had been left on a side table. After a few minutes of silence, you got an idea. Standing up, you walked over to where she was sitting and placed yourself down on a chair across from her.

"By the Cauldron, now what?" She stated angrily, glaring at you over the top of her book.

"I was wondering if you knew anything about Tamisra and her past, since you have been around for centuries longer than anyone else and have gained a lot of knowledge. Would you care to enlighten me?" You asked, trying to appease her in any way you could.

"Tamisra this, Tamisra that! Between you and everyone else asking all these questions, how am I supposed to get any peace?" She responded bitterly.

"So you know who she is? What is she capable of?" You prompted her, scooting towards her from your seat.

"Of course I know who she is! Her legend is one the dates back to the dawn of time! What do you take me for, a fool?" Amren exclaimed, setting down her book aggressively.

"Not at all. I'm merely curious. I didn't mean to offend you." You told her, trying to get her silver eyes to stop glaring at you.

Amren huffed and stood up, heading towards the door. When she reached it, she turned around to see you still on the chair. "What are you still sitting there for? Come! Unless you'd rather not know what you're up against."

Quickly, you stood up and headed after her as she headed into the hall. After several twists and turns along with several unnecessary staircases, you came to a stop behind Amren as she had reached a large, ancient-looking wooden door.

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