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You stared at the High Lord of the Night Court with utter shock and disbelief.


Mor had asked for you, but seeing as she had dragged you along with her into his office, you were there to witness the entire conversation.

"I was planning to head out at sunrise. Is that alright with you, (Y/N)?" Rhysand asked you, raising an eyebrow at your shocked expression.

"...Yes, that's perfectly fine." You said after a moment, processing the fact that you knew you probably wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight.

"Great. Meet me here in the morning." Rhysand informed you as Mor suddenly dropped your arm and rushed out of the office.

You looked at Rhysand inquisitively, to see if he knew why Mor was suddenly gone, but he looked just as puzzled and shrugged his shoulders.

After saying goodbye to Rhysand and thanking him, you turned to leave his office when you heard a loud scream echo throughout the townhouse.

You rushed to foyer where the scream had come from, but found Feyre and Mor jumping up and down in excitement.

"What's going on?" Rhysand asked from behind you, looking a bit frantic.

Feyre turned to her mate, beaming. "There's a new art studio exhibit in the Rainbow!"

"And there's a new clothing shop open just across from it!" Mor squealed happily.

Rhysand put his face in the palm of his right hand. "You realize that I thought somebody was about to be murdered or something, right?"

"No time for chit chat, Rhys. It's time for us to go out shopping!" Mor cried, dragging a shocked you behind her as she raced up the stairs, Feyre close behind.

"Why am I being dragged?!" You cried, desperately hoping that someone would come to your rescue.

"You're coming with us!" Feyre and Mor cried in sync.


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Sighing from exhaustion, you stopped next to Feyre and Mor as they examined a shop's display window and reached down to rub the backs of your ankles.

How the hell were they able to convince you to wear high heels anyways? Oh right... You weren't asked.

You weren't really actually doing any looking or shopping either. It was a little difficult to do, especially since you had offered to carry Mor and Feyre's bags.

3 HOURS. That's how long they'd been shopping for. And you were growing exhausted. Not that you were going to tell them that.

Sighing silently, you leaned up against the brick wall next to the window display and closed your eyes.

Your mind wandered to Azriel. What was he doing? Was he alright? Was he hurt?

As these thoughts raced through your head, you felt a slight pull in your chest. It felt familiar and wasn't exactly painful. You slowly tried to find out what it was within yourself, while slightly worrying over your health.

You could feel the feeling slightly more now. It was faint, but definitely present. But what was it?

You reached out towards it in your mind. You brushed over it slightly. It felt soft and sent a trail of shivers down your spine.

Stardust (Azriel X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now