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(Y/N)'s POV

Morning came sooner than you had thought. You were still reminiscing over your dream about Azriel sitting next to you on a rooftop, explaining how he felt about you, finally acknowledging the connection the two of you seemed to share. Blushing, you looked down at your lap. Even thinking about him made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It seemed as if today was going to be an eventful day.

Yawning, you stretched, sitting upright in your bed and frowned. As you sat there thinking about your upcoming day, things seemed to feel different. Something was off, you could feel it in the air. Hopefully, it would amount to nothing and you could leave it behind in order to get a move on to start training after you grabbed a bite to eat.

Sighing, you slid out from underneath the covers and headed into your closet in order to put on a pair of (C) pants and a (C) tank top, your typical training attire. To finish off the look, you pulled your hair up into (hairstyle of your choice) and put on a (C) pair of (shoes/boots). Giving yourself one final glance over in the mirror, you smiled slightly and left your room to head to the dining area where the rest of the Night Court's Inner Circle would be eating.

However, when you arrived in the dining room, no one was there. Raising an eyebrow in confusion, you turned to glance at the clock, just to make sure you hadn't potentially overslept and missed out on breakfast. Nope, you were on time, as per usual. Where was everybody?

Scratching your head and unsure of what to do exactly, you eventually decided to wander around to see if you could find them on your own. But for every door you opened, the more questions formed in your mind. Where could they have possibly gone? They would've at least left a note if they were going out, or so you had thought.

You flopped down onto a comfortable couch and let out a breath of air that you hadn't known you had been holding onto. Whatever had come up, you knew it had to be extremely important. Unless...

You shot up and began to pace, one hand cupping your chin in thought. Tamisra must have done something that drew their attention. Whatever it was, it must have been huge. You just hoped everyone was alright. They would return soon, you knew that much. You just had to be patient and wait.

You headed down to the training room in order to clear your head, making sure to grab water on your way. You were beginning to feel anxious and worried, but you knew that training would help relieve it soon enough.

You decided to start working with your magical abilities at first, just to see if you could use them in an organized attack. Azriel had given you a list of things to test out on your own before the two of you got deep into training during one of your first few training sessions in the training yards. You had completely forgot about it until now.

Taking a deep breath in, you focused on creating a ball of energy in the palm of your hand. At first, nothing occurred, but after a moment, you felt your palm tingle from a strange sensation. Opening your eyes, you saw that you had created a sphere of purple energy. Smiling at your small success, you turned your attention to the practice dummy across the room. Without even having to think about it, you chucked the sphere at your target, causing it to blast back against the wall, almost completely destroyed.

You knew if you kept this up, you'd be able to build up your powers immensely before you took down Tamisra once and for all. Turning your magical energy into (weapon of your choice), you got to work preparing yourself for what was to come.

Rhysand's POV

I slammed my hand down on the table out of frustration. How could I have been so naive?

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