My Saving Grace

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As promised!! Next chapter ;) XX

I open my eyes too a harsh light, am I dead? No, not the least. I'm still in that bloody hell hole. The door opens and I see a blonde.

"So Lily, you take my man and think you can get away with it hmmm?" she chirps. Who the hell is this bitch? My vision focuses and I see the slag behind it all.

"Taylor Swift," I almost laugh.

"Yep. You stole Harry from me and thought you could get away with it, well it's been a week and where's little Harry?" I freeze a week?

"Not here," she kicks me in the ribs and I yelp. Suddenly I hear footsteps, almost like running. Louis Tomlinson is followed by 100 armed men.

"Shoot the bitch!" he shouts. Taylor hits the ground. One guy handcuffs her while other help me into and amblance where Harry holds my hand.

"Harry, don't look at me." I turn away. I've seen my face. I look like I've been put through a blender. Why would this perfect man want a girl tha's been destroyed when he could have anyone?

"Lily, you're beautiful. I missed you love." He hugs me tigtly until I gasp, he hit my broken rib. I'm wheeled into the hospital and I black out. He missed me. Ugly me?

SOOOOOOO sorry it's short loves. I was a bit pressed for time. Did it end how you think it did? Do you think Harry still loves her even though she's hideous? COMMENT, and FAN me. XX

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