I Will Never Understand

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It's been three weeks since I was first put into the hospital. I had three broken ribs, a broken nose, and my right leg. Harry has visited everyday but I can't bare to look at him, we both know I'll never be the same. If I was skinny before now I'm scrawny. My hair has lightened in color, threatening to go gray. I fear if I talk to him too much then it would only hurt myself more when he left me. The last day before I was discharged from the hospital Harry brakes the silence.

"Lily, I love you. Please talk to me," he kisses my hand. I turn to look at him tears in my eyes. I want to talk to him so badly but I can't face the pain. We sat in silence for the rest of the day. When he leaves I sobbed. I  cried so hard the nurses heard me and came in to comfort me.

"He says he loves me but look at me, before I was beautiful now." I sob into the nurses shoulder. She pets my head and whispers something into my ear. I freeze and look up at her. I don't sleep that night Harry comes into my room the next morning with Liam.

"Lily, my beautiful flower blossom. Talk, why do you shun me?" he bends down so we're facing each other. I choke up and begin to cry.

"Not only have I lost the beauty I had before I was kidnapped but Harry. The nurse told me something last night. I was pregnant," I whisper the last word. Liam gasps silently and Harry just holds me close. I cry into his chest as he helps me get changed into sweats and a baggy tee. The nurse says I can't do anything for the next week but i don't think I would be anyways. Laying in bed crying.

I'm wheeled out the door up to the limo where Harry helps me in, avoiding all the paps questions. All the boys must know because they all stare at me when I slide in.

"I was kidnapped not quarantined, give mama some love," I open my arms and each of the boys hug me softly. I curl into Harry and sigh deeply.

"We can always keep trying," he whispers in my ear. I shake my head and look up into his deep green eyes.

"Not so soon, after the wedding. If you'll still have me..." I trail off. Harry cups my cheek in his large hand and kisses me passionately. It was soft, yet comforting.

"We're home," he whispers in my ear. Ah Home.

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