Beyond Ria

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Piper was now a Titan, her name did not change, Piper remained herself, yet not. Piper was the same person inside and outside, but when magic overcomes one person, they turn. There are two sides to this change, evil or good. Piper unlike most was able to balance in the middle, think of it as a coin. When you flip it you get either heads or tail, however it would be possible to land on the edge. It would be very difficult to do, but possible. Piper is one of those rare people. Phayze landed on good, but think of this as the coin is swiveling around and around turning from rim to rim, but enviably she will land on good. However if their were a massive change, she could be suddenly flipped over and become evil. Malissa landed flatly evil, this is a common occurrence. Think of it as the Evil side being slightly weighted, increasing the chances of the coin landing that direction. Piper landed on the edge, and continued to do stay as such. I believe it may have been the fact that her main interest when setting the crown on her head was saving her daughter, but deeper in her mind she may have been considering revenge, which is a powerful motive. My theory is somewhat confirmed by a note Piper wrote in her journal, however I have to slightly reword My theory for it to fit. Piper wanted revenge on The crown deep down in her mind. This is the diary entry...   

It is perhaps, the only way. My daughter was cursed, My existence ruined. I will forever be in Phayth's debt. Today me and my people leave, we exit for a better place, a place away from all of this. A place where magic inspires and creates, not dominates and destroys. I exit to another planet, Titan, the very place my people were named for. I care not who finds my journal. I wish to leave proof that once, titans lived on Ria. I am Piper Saunds the Titan queen. I depart today. I hope to eventually retrieve my sisters from the power of their crowns and bring them with me. I understand that Malissa would never do such a thing as to curse a child to early death, she was always the kindest of all of us. My brother would never leave Ria or I would have included him in my wish. I believe that all could choose peace and that Ria could be a great place but that Ria will never be a wonderful place because all will fight. Titans are different, as are fae and Malissa only ever raised her voice before setting the crown on her head at a boy who almost killed himself and ten others. I head off to start a new life. One of peace, prosperity, and magic. I will retrieve my sisters once their crowns have lost their hold. I do not know if this will ever happen but I can hope. To whomever finds this entry I ask of you to promote peace and try to not fight. I do understand, that is somewhat impossible, even Titans and fae occasionally fight but if we all try we can create a peaceful nation. These are my words and to all who read them understand them and share them as you can. I am the Titan Queen, Piper, and for forever I will be. My person will not be swayed by magic nor mortal, only I have the power to change me. Perhaps this was where my sisters went wrong, but it will not be my end. I Piper Saunds claim fully to be myself and only me, I will never be anyone else, nor will anyone else be me. I will promote Peace wherever I tread. I will be myself always and I will encourage others to do the same, this is how I will remain myself and never be overtaken by my magic.

-Piper Saunds

Three days after Rose's Christening The Titans left, very few stayed behind, and those that did were wholeheartedly welcomed into Fay land. This is how Phayth learned of her sisters departure. When the titans arrived with letters of accommodation from Piper, they were let in. not a decade later, all titans remaining on Titan were eradicated, though that is a different story and one well known among Andoreans (And-or-ee-ans) and Rianeans (Ree-an-ee-ans). 

Three years passed before anything of importance passed, there was the occasional squabble and fighting broke out often, perhaps the most well known is the Micer (Mee-car) River Dam Brocade, now many would argue that this is of upmost importance, but their is no iron clad proof that either Malice or Phayth were there. It is rumored that Malice and Phayth fought in the sky and every clash of their blades brought a great thunder cry; But I have two objections to this. the first is that Phayth fought with a Quarterstaff, which has no blade and the second. Even if they had fought with swords, It wouldn't have sounded like thunder. On top of all that Piper could not have been there, as at the time she was in the Deffiliean(def-ill-ee-in) council office for the annual peace treaty update. And so that brings us to the biggest war in perhaps all of Rianean history The Siege of Ethierea.

Sorry I haven't written In so long, I've been caught up in school work for a while, I have the whole Saunds sisters part written out, all I have to write is the Infinity side. I actually have zero idea what I'm going to do for that, comment if you have any ideas!

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