Snap, crackle, ATTACK!

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Jayter saw it, a visible tremor in the line, his line; and then they were no longer moving forward the Newmoon... Stars?- were falling fast, but so were the Infinity kids. Left and right another kid fell, and in front of him was a whole army that needed to be defeated. Then, a girl stepped in front of him, she had brown hair with green and red and orange and yellow and pink and blue streaks running through it, frankly she looked like a My little pony; and Jayter should know, he had seen plenty of it when his cousin Lenia had been smaller and wanted to watch it every chance she got. The My little pony girl smiled and said "Hi!! I'm Ruby!!" her clothes were even worse. She had Green sleeves and a sort of patchwork random color blocks pattern for the main part of her shirt, every one of the color blocks was surrounded by extremely hideous gems each about the size of the end of a no. 2 pencil. her pants were no better, they seemed to be made out of multiple different types of jeans all sewn together with different colors and those hideous gems. "What... What are you wearing?" The girl rolled her eyes "Lyzastmos, (Lie-zay-stmo) it's the Hight of fashion on ria. But I guessed you wouldn't know that..." she let her eyes drift to Jayter's shirt, then his jeans, then his shoes, then back up to his face. "But I guess you wouldn't know that Andoran"(And-or-un). Jayter had no idea what that meant but it didn't sound so nice. "Ok Sparklebarf, if you say so." She rolled her eyes then swung her... well Jayter had no idea what she swung at him, it looked like a cross between a baseball bat, a selfie stick, and a fairy wand. He leaned back and she rolled her eyes, "You were supposed to stay still!" He looked at her, there was no doubt in his mind, she was insane. "Don't think so Sparklebarf." She looked sorta confused, as if no one had ever called her Sparklebarf before. Which he thought was kind of odd. She hesitated, "What is ... Sparklebarf?" Jayter looked at her shirt, then her jeans, then her shoes {which he noticed were glitter green with laces that looked like they were made out of the same gems on Sparklebarf's shirt.} , then back up to her face "You." She seemed even more confused by this but she just shook her head and attacked again. He caught it on his dagger then brought the hilt of his other knife up to knock her unconscious. and then there was a ring of steel against... whatever Jayter's knife was made out of, Volcanic rock? He looked up into the brown-blue eyes of a warrior, and he was certain this warrior was not on his team. Thankfully this boy was dressed normally, but when he spoke his voice was deep and angry "What do you think your doing?" Snap, this was going to take a lot of effort to get out of.

Caroline looked at her forces, something was wrong. They were buckling under the effort of keeping back around sixty Infinity warriors; and that's when it hit her, she had been expecting at least ninety forces, and here in front of her were maybe sixty, her eyes widened with understanding, she opened her mouth to give orders to her subordinates.   

Arasia saw her line start to falter and knew that she had to act now, she tapped the button on her watch then moved forward, slowly to the Newmoon camp. A bunch of klutzy milliseconds following behind her branches and twigs Crackling underfoot. She groaned, quietly and turned around to shush them. They all rolled their eyes muttering that they couldn't be completely quiet, and that if a branch just happened to jump in front of their foot it wasn't their fault if it cracked. Finally, they reached Gale and his group. He nodded and said, "on three,"

Quietly Ara counted out loud




Across the campground Jayter was doing the same thing, except he was counting the seconds until the Mr. Nincompoop killed him.




Kiara placed the last three stitches, counting them as she did.




All three of them felt it, a sudden surge of power.

There was a blinding flash of light, and suddenly time had stopped.

Yeah, I'm sorry that was not as soon as possible. But my family moved, and we didn't get our computer out of storage until like three weeks ago. I'm so sorry for my excuses I've been feeling kind of home sick and haven't really had it in me to write, I suppose its sorta like when your sick and you really don't want to eat or drink anything, but once you do you feel better. Anyways I hope you've had a good day! And  I hope you enjoy my book! I'll try to post again soon! Bye!!

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