Car Control -23

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Shawn got excited and it was so obvious to tell. He couldn't stay still.
Dessert was coming soon and all he had to do.. Was wait.
It was like a late Valentine's gift.

Everyone around the table cut their own slices of cake out of the 2 but Shawn remotely told everyone that the second one was for you....
You had to eat it all yourself.
Sure enough, Shawn grabbed himself a fork. He was always helping you with your meals.
It was cute.

"How is it?" Shawn looked at you.
"It's Vanilla". Your fork was full of icing.
"No, how is it. Is it any good?" He was so anxious.
"I don't know, why don't you try it".
Shawn smirked and shook his head. He lifted his finger, grabbed some icing and put it on your nose.
"How's it now?" He looked at you and he knew he was going to get payback.
"How about you ask yourself later on tonight?"
The one thing he wanted.
He immediately shook his head like a 7 year old.
"That's what I thought".
You always beat Shawn in debates.

The waitress came with the bill and Shawn's mom paid it. Everyone got up with their jackets and headed for the door.
Shawn came running to your side from behind you, gripping onto your hand.
"2 more hours..." His face went in close to your ear as you hit him in the gut.
"Shawn! Control yourself. Wait".
You walked over to Shawn's car.

Everyone came in separate cars.
Shawn drove you and himself, while Shawn's parents were with Aaliyah.
You said your goodbyes to them as you were departing and got in the front seat of Shawn's car.
"Now it shall occur" Shawn closed his car door and started the car. He placed his hand on your leg and began pulling out of the parking lot.
"You're an animal Shawn".
You laughed at him.

"Are you sure about that yet?"
He responded.
You nodded.

"You have no clue what's in store for later" he said winking at you.

50 Shades of Mendes, here we come.

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