Hickey Hostage -4

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It was Wednesday morning and the sun was shining. You could hear the birds chirping and the wind whistling. You opened your eyes and turned beside you,.. not to find Shawn there. Your heart beated fast,.. "Where could he be?" "Was he cheating?". Mentions came into your mind. You turned to your left to see if Matt was there,.. he wasn't aither. You got up, running to the bathroom to get ready. "Maybe he was having breakfast,.. maybe he was with the gang." You didn't know. All you knew that time was ticking.

Stepping into the elevator, you clicked the basement floor. You were on your way to the lobby to see if they were there... and sure, enough. The door opened and all you saw was them being swarmed by girls. Sitting on their laps, giggling, on their phones. More then the eye could see. "[Y/N}, Come here." snickered Nash. You walked over with the water in your eyes begging to come out. "Take a seat. Shawn will be here soon". he said winking at you. Maybe you should have liked Nash. I mean, Shawn and you both loved each other, but Nash actually comforted you. He actually tried to have a conversation with you. You snapped it out of your mind as soon as Shawn came in the door. "Morning sunshine, how are you?" he spoke. He went to you and leaned in for a hug. You returned one back. "Lets all go back to the room"." spoke Aaron as he got up, waving bye to the girls. They all agreed and went back.

"YOU LITTLE DEVIL!" you spoke as you walked into the room. Shawn had pushed you onto the bed, with the sight of Carter and Gilinsky on the bed, already there,.. watching television. "You go Shawn" said Carter. "I think he already has,.. nice hickey Shawn." giggled Jack. You both froze. You had forgotten about last night. Matt was on the floor, dying of laughter as Shawn's face went red. He bit his lip while you hid your face. "Shawn went hardcore on you {Y/N}." spoke Nash as him and Cam were chuckling on Matt's bed. "Let's take a picture before it goes away" spoke Carter. "Enough you guys..." laughed Shawn. "It's funny. You cant help it.'" said Cam. "I am going swimming, anyone want to join me?" you spoke. The boys all shouted to join but of course, Gilinsky had too jump in and say "Sure, but Shawn hide that Hickey."

Author's Note:

I am going to update this in acouple of days, so stay tuned. Thank you so much for reading and enjoy.

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