Downtown Dinner -7

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Shawn and you were on your way downtown and were going to have a nice dinner and a walk on the beach. You and Shawn never got to spend time together and this night would be one that would last forever.

"You exicted?" Shawn asked you as he opened the resturant door for you. Your eyes glimmered at the fancy chandeliers in the room as Shawn stroked your back to sit. The waiter asked you both to sit down in a booth, not too far away from the stage performance ahead. Shawn smiled at you with the biggest grin ever as the waiter began asking you what to order.

"Iced Tea please." You asked.

"Water is fine." Shawn stated.

The man nodded and left with his list as Shawn began starting a conversation.

"I am really happy were spending more time together. Being in New York makes me feel home sick and I miss seeing your beautiful face." He smirked.

You blushed and the words he said made you feel special. Shawn was something else and in your heart, no one could replace him. Not one soul.

"Here are your drinks and your orders?" The waiter asked as he returned.

"I wou.." You were interrupted.

"We would like to have the Spicy Salmoned Spaghetti." he said

The waiter agreed and ran off.

"Shawn, what was that all about?" you said.

"I want our date to be perfect... and the Lady and the Tramp inspired me." He said giggling. You both laughed as he was the worst but cutest dumbass.

*20 minutes went by*

You and Shawn finished your dinner and were walking along the lakeshore, holding hands. The night has been great so far and as sunset was dawning, what could get better. You were walking as you tripped on a rock. You picked up the rock and threw it in the water, skipping across it.

"RAAAAGAHH". Shawn shouted as he tried to scare you.

"SHAAAWWWNNN!" You screamed as you play beat him.

"I am going to get more rocks, stay here" he said to you as he ran off.

"Buzzzh." Shawn's phone buzzed off on the bench. It kept ringing and ringing and Shawn was no where out of reach. You click the lock button and there on the notifications was a familiar name.... saying "Hey babe".... Lauren.

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