Retribution -39

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The thought of what happened to Matthew still lingered in your head.
Your heart ached to know.
Shawn didn't say much about what happened at the dinner when you left, and you wanted to find out.
You walked into the bedroom, and laid your body down on the bed.
You rubbed your stomach with your hand, thinking about the next move.
You talked to your stomach.
"It's gonna be okay... This journey with you is gonna be hard baby"...
"Real hard darling".
You closed your eyes, and went for a nap.

About an hour later, Shawn came into your room, waking you up.
You woke up with a start, unaware of what was happening.
You turned to look for someone by you.
"It's me, it's me!"
He gripped your hand with his.
"Ah... Where am I?"
You could see the smile light up on Shawn's face.
You finally came back to reality.
He turned to you.
"Yeah babe?"
Your throat gulped.
"What happened tonight?"
His face went confused.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean... With Matthew".
Shawn rolled his eyes, and began to get up.
"Shawn, please!"
He stopped.
Shawn turned to you and began walking to the bed.
He sat beside you.
"After the phone call...."
He continued.
"I confronted Matthew about it. He gave me a smirk and continued to chat. It pissed me off a lot. So, I asked Matthew again. He turned to me and said that he did infact touch you. I told him we were together and his face expression didn't change. He still had the grudge on his face. He wasn't the same Matthew I knew before... Jn high school."
Shawn's face went down to ground.
He squeezed your hand tightly.
"How did you get a scared face from a confrontation.. Shawn".
He looked at you with his eyes.
"Shawn. Tell me".
He squeezed your hand even tighter.
"After I told him about us being together... He told me that I took his girl before. That I took everything from him. He said he could careless about taking you from me. I told him to leave the restaurant."
"He didn't listen".
Your face went pale.
You knew that's when the fight probably started.
You knew Shawn like a book.
"He slapped me. He simply said I deserved it.
"Did you fight back?" You asked him.
"Shawn... What the hell, why?!"
He looked at you once more.
"I'm mature. I would of but something stopped me. I could of either got beaten up or became the person to injure Matthew..."
"I didn't do it for me, or him..."
"I did it for you".
Your heart bursted.
"Y/N.... "

He was speechless.

Authors Note:
I hope you guys liked his chapter.
I thought it was really down to earth.. Idk.
I just wanted to thank you all for everything you've done and for all the feedback.
Were so close to 190k!!!! Wooo!

PS: Matthew in this book isn't Matthew Espinosa.

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