Orange Juice -15

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You woke up around 9am on a Saturday morning beside Shawn. You hadn't realized that you crashed at his friends house, it was so real. Looking over to your right, you saw Shawn shirtless and having his arm around your head. Now it was believable that he loved you. It was a new him and you could trust him again just like back before. You smiled and got out of bed, heading to wash up. You opened your door and walked down the stairs. Damn, was the living room a mess. Brian and Ian hosted one big-ass party.

You went to wash your face and take off your makeup. It was still hard to believe last night. It was so intense. Just thinking about it, you got butterflies. Shawn's fluffy hair, his moaning voice,.. Everything. He was your everything and he didn't even know it.

You opened the door, walking to the kitchen to get some juice. Hopefully this house actually something to drink....surprisingly, yes. You got a glass and had some, sitting down at the table. Looking around the room, you knew your parents were going to be pissed. Like, never mind sleeping with Shawn, staying over at a house overnight with no contact. I'm sure they would be fine,... I mean, you used to stay at Shawn's all the time. Should be no biggie. You drank the last bits of your orange juice, getting up to receive more when Shawn came from behind the wall and hugged you.

"Good morning." his husky voice said.

You smiled and embraced his hug. "Good morning Shawn."

He chuckled, bit his lip and spoke "So.. how was your sleep?"

What a tease. Your heart as beating so fast and you just couldn't resist. You turned around and spoke "Good", kissing him. You lied... It wasn't just good. It was phenomenal. You made love to your whole world, your everything.

Shawn pulled from the kiss after a few minutes, going to help himself to some juice. He walked over, opened the fridge and pulled out the jug.

"Well, looks like your not getting seconds!" he spoke.

"What do yo..." you froze. There was like 2 millimetres of juice left. Of course, he would take it all. You charged at him, grabbing it and racing back to your cup. He charged after you, grabbing your waist close to his.

"I don't think so" Shawn said. He took it from your hands with a tug and got another glass. What was he even doing.... He put it down, poured the remains of the juice and spoke "Here you go,... we can share it."

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