Voyage -37

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You just sat there... In shock.
You did nothing.
How could Shawn not notice.
How did Matthew not know about you and Shawn!
..what a best friend that proved.
You needed to get this to stop.
"Excuse me".
You grabbed your purse and asked Matthew to move politely.
He smirked and shifted to your right, allowing you to go by.
You walked to the washroom in a rush, having the feeling of someone staring at you.
At your ass.
You walked to the door and shut it behind you.
You leaned up against it and took a deep breath.
"I can do this".
You closes your eyes and leaned to the mirror.
You looked at yourself.
How could all this happen.... How.
Everything went by so fast and it all was fading like fog.
You couldn't let anything to now.
Things like Shawn were important..

He was your barrier

You grabbed your phone from your pocket and dialled down a number.
A taxi.
You called, talking to a man and told him your destination.
You hoped going home would make yourself relaxed.

You began walking down a hall, leaving not only the washroom behind you.. But Shawn at his table with friends.
It was like he hadn't even realized you left.
He was talking and talking non stop with them.
You looked at him one last time and headed out the door, closing it.
You waited outside, sitting on a bench, looking out onto the street.
The cars were going so fast, and so was time.
Being downtown was a thrill but it was always so gloomy... Things always happened downtown and they ended up being tragic.
The taxi came...
You went in.

You arrived home within 25 minutes, saying goodbye to the driver.
You walked to your door, unlocking it.
The smell of your home hit you.
You knew you were safe.
You ran upstairs in your sock, leaving your shoes behind you.
You dove into your room, covering yourself and closing your eyes.
At last.
You felt like crying, you needed to get it all out.
So much stress..depression.. Built inside of you.
You felt like a bridge, crumbling to pieces.

*buzz, buzz*

Your phone vibrated.
It was Shawn.
You didn't feel like talking..
Especially him.
You let it ring more...
You couldn't do this to Shawn.
It wasn't fair.

"Hey, Y/N?"
"Yeah, what?"
"Where the hell are you?"
"I..- I went home."
"You went home... w-what! Why?"
"I didn't feel well Shawn.. Besides, you were having fun. I didn't want to interrupt you".
"No Y/N,.. Don't pull that "I'm sick" bullshit. What was wrong?"
"Nothing Shawn."
"Shawn.. Nothing. Believe me".
"Don't lie to me... I won't get mad.. Just tell me please."
"Shawn, I -"
"Please, I don't like seeing you upset".
You couldn't keep it in.
You just needed to tell him.. Tell someone.
He said he wouldn't get mad... You had to trust him.
"Yeah.. What about him?"
"He.. sexually harassed me.. He flirted with me."
"He couldn't... Don't."
"Shawn, don't get mad just listen to me-"
The phone line cut.

Where did Shawn go.

What was he gonna do...

Authors Note:
Thank you guys for 160k!
I was on vacation so I apologize I didn't update but I hope you liked this chapter.
I need some opinions! If you wish, please comment some.. Or even some suggestions. That would be great.
Also, this new Wattpad update.. Drives me nuts.

PS: when you search "Shawn Mendes Imagines", what # does my pop up as? Let me know so we can get this fanfic up on those charts :)!

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