Revelation -32

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He looked at you with fear in his eyes.
You could see it.
You fucked up big time.. Literally.
Shawn and you were teenagers.
How was one going to deal with a situation like this?
Especially since Shawn had gotten bigger... The stress would grow bigger upon you both.

You never took your eyes off Shawn. You just kept staring at him, with your heart racing.
"Shawn". Your voice cracked.
He lifted his head and made eye contact with you.
"It's gonna be ok". His eyes were watery.
You and him didn't think that something big like this would happen.
"I knew we should've of used protection.. I had that gut feeling that night". You finished up your sentence, slamming your elbows on the table. You held your head, rubbing your eyes.
Shawn got up from his chair, leaving to go outside. It seemed like he needed air... Sometime to just think by himself.
You could feel his pain.
Imagine the thoughts he was thinking...
A 16 year old, with half of the world knowing who he was. It would make such an impact on his life... And career.
Shawn had so much on his shoulders right now.

You couldn't take the pain.
You walked to the bedroom, crawling into bed. You covered your face with the blankets, thinking about life.
This wasn't real.. It was a dream.
Your parents weren't going to take this well... Especially Shawn's.
You crossed your fingers hoping it wouldn't be true. It couldn't be.


You heard a noise beside you.
It was a Shawn.
He had came back inside, coming to lay beside you.
"Y/N". You flinched.
"Wh-hat?" You responded to him, sniffling.
He snuggled in closer beside you.
"It's going to be alright." He played with your hair.
"Shawn, no it's not. Have you seen yourself lately? You're a prodigy".
You snuggled yourself deeper into the bed.
"It doesn't matter. I made a commitment to you and I'm sticking to it". He unwrapped the blanket around you, kissing your forehead.
He left the bed, coming back with an object in his hand.
"Look". You removed the covers from your face.
"I had a feeling earlier this morning when I left to go get medication.... So I bought this." He handed it to you.
It was a pregnancy test.
"Shawn, I..."
He cut you off.
"Please.... Just try".
You sighed, getting up from the bed.

It was the moment truth..

There was no going back... You were in it with Shawn for the long run.

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