Telling Him -44

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You couldn't believe your eyes or ears.
Aaliyah... Knowing the whole situation.
You sat on the ground, against the washroom wall.
"Y/N.... Don't think about this too much."
She came to sit beside you.
You looked to her.
"Aaliyah, I'm technically still a teenager."
You put your head on your palms.
"Shawn is strong enough and so are you. Besides, my mom and dad aren't like that".
You replied to her confused.
"Aren't like that?"
"Yeah... They're not going to judge you. They're accepting. Besides, I'm pretty sure my dad already knows".
You signed.
Manuel already knowing? A way to start a birthday party.
"Should I approach him with it just incase?"
You thought for a second....
"It's okay Aaliyah. I got it. Thank you though".
You smiled, kissing her on the forehead.
"Thanks a lot.... I enjoyed this talk. I think we should leave though... Shawn's gonna go nuts".
She laughed and led you to the washroom door.

You walked back to the dinner table with Aaliyah, remembering every sink word she said.
You couldn't screw up... You just needed to tell Manuel.
It needed to get off your shoulder.

You sat down beside Shawn, instantly grabbing for his hands.
He turned too look at you. You gave him a facial expression, to signal that you were telling Manuel... Right now.
"Dad". Shawn began to talk.
What? What was Shawn doing?
Manuel lifted his head up from Aaliyah and his' conversation.
Shawn licked his lips.
"Well..... Something occurred".
His face went from straight to puzzled.
Shawn began to speak again.
"Y/N,... She's pregnant".
There was no going back now.
Shawn had already told him... Both parents knew.
You told Karen, and Shawn.. Told Manuel.
Manuel's face didn't change.

..... You're heart was about to burst.
You squeezed Shawn's hand tighter and mouthed out "Shawn" in his ear.
He looked at you.
"Walk later.... We have to talk... About this baby".
His face went white.

Author's Note:
Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, school has been a pain.
How are you liking this baby drama? Do you want to go back to the old simple imagines I did or same story line?
Let me know your ideas.

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