Chapter 13: Everyone knows

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That night I had the usual nightmares. The usual dreams of screams, footsteps, objects breaking etc. I awoke at the edge of my bed, sweat slowly dripping down my forehead. I slowly sit up and wipe the sweat from my head.
I stand and walk over to my window. I stare through it, remembering the hell that yesterday primarily was. I then remember I had school today. I step over to my dresser and grab some cloths. I put them on and head downstairs. I stop have way down the stairs and listen a bit. I don't hear my dad or anything, he probably wanted time out of the house after yesterday. I go the rest of the way down the stairs and am getting myself breakfast when my phone starts ringing. I grab it and see it's call from Mangle. I stare at my phone for a second, and then I answer it.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey....Foxy, so I just wanted to tell you....about last night." I hear Mangles voice on the other end.

"It's ok if you don't believe me," I tell her.

"No, no it's not that, so, we've all agreed, even Bon, that we won't tell anyone." She says. I pause for a second thinking about what she said.

"Thank you." I say.

"No problem, um, you ok, you sound a bit down." Great she just had to ask.

"Ya I'm fine, it's just, me and my dad got into a small fight, he didn't know about the dreams either." I tell her.

"You didn't tell your dad? Jeez Foxy, I know you didn't want to tell anyone. But out of all people you father probably should have been the first person to know, not spring." She say shocked.

"Ya, ya I know, I'm sorry ok." I say raising my voice.

"Ok ok, sorry, didn't mean to piss you off. I'll.....I'll see you at school." She says hanging up. I sigh and put my phone in my pocket. I eat breakfast and head outside to my car. The drive to school is uneventful. It takes me a bit to find a parking space but eventually I do. When I go inside I notice something. Everyone is staring at me. As I walk by people start whispering to each other. I stop at my locker and glance around at the people around me. I notice Freddy to the side looking down.

"Something wrong," I ask him. His head shoots up.

"N-no, well yes, but..." He stutters.

"Just spit it out," I demand.

"Ok, ok, I've, heard some things......about you." He says. My eyes widen as I realize what he means.

"Heard them from who.," I demand taking a step toward him. "He backs up and replies.


"Aye it's Mr. Crazy himself," a loud voice interrupts him.

"F-from them," Freddy finished. I knew who the voice came from. It was a voice I had heard hundreds of times. I turned around and came face to face with Nightmare.

"Who told you," I ask.

"Oh no one special," He replies smirking.

"I don't have time for F**king games nightmare, who the h*ll told you," I yell stepping towards him. He seemed caught off guard by my outburst but he quickly recovers.

"Oh just a little Bunny, you know," He says.

"Bonbon," I say with venom.

"Ya that little guy," he says smirking. I immediately spin around and start marching down the halls, scanning my the faces of people to the side.

"Foxy!" I hear someone call. Lolbit and Mangle come running up to me from behind.

"We swear we didn't tell them," Lolbit says looking scared.

"I know you didn't." I continue marching down the halls until I see Bon talking to Felicity and Fred. I walk over and grab him by the collar and drag him to the other side.

"Ow dude the the h*ll," he protest. I slam him into the lockers.

"I thought y'all made a deal to not tell anyone," I say angrily.

"What are you....." he than sees Mangle and Lolbit staring at him.

"I'm sorry it accidentally slipped out." He try's to explain.

"Bullsh*t," I yell at him pushing him up against the lockers more.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry, I told them cause I didn't believe you," he finally says, swearing a bit. I let him go and he slumps down a bit.

"Why do you care don't they already hate you." He says straightening up.

"Because there's a difference. There usual crap makes people afraid of me, this can land me in an insane asylum." I say giving him the death stare.

<Mangles POV>
I start to slightly panic as Foxy and Bonbon begin to argue. I'm trying to think of a way to calm them down when I hear a voice behind me.

"Hello again cutie!"

I sigh and turn around to see Tucker standing In front of me.

"I'm back, ya miss me." He says smirking.

"Not in a million years Tucker,"  I say wiping the smirk from his face.

"Someone outa teach you to respect your future boyfriend." He says angrily, stepping towards me.

"Oi, I though we told you a week ago that she's not yours." Foxy says stepping away from Bonbon and towards Tucker. Tucker looked at Foxy and then smirked.

"You wouldn't want to hang around Mr. Crazy man over here. You'd be much better off with a man like me." He says patting his chest.

"Oh shut up Tucker, I don't care about what you or everyone else in this school thinks of Foxy cause either way he's 100 times the man you are." I say. He seems shocked for a second but then smirks.

"Oh come on, are you telling me that you, believe him now do you," Tucker says laughing. I pause for a second. Do I really believe him, I think. Luckily, I don't have to answer.

"Hey, listen here you little prick, I'm already fed up that you messed with my friend, but if anything would make me more fed up, it's that your messing with my sister, so you can go ahead and f*ck off." Lolbit suddenly steps in.

"Hey who do y-." Tucker starts to say but he is interrupted.

"Uh, uh, uh, no, you shut up and back off." Lolbit interrupts.

"Aye, you shouldn't talk like that to people, especially someone who-." Before Tucker can finish, Lolbit placed a kick right in his family jewels. He gasped and fell to the floor. Every boy watching immediately cringed.

"Holy, sh*t, that was bad*ss," Eric who magically appeared to my left making me jump says. Holding up his hand for a high five.

"H*ll ya," Lolbit exclaims high giving him.

"Lolbit Washington, principles office now," A teacher says.

"100% worth it." Lolbit says walking to the office. "No regrets." The teacher then looks around at everyone else.

"As you were." He says walking away. We stand there for a second, processing what just happened.

"That was, entertaining," Foxy says chuckling.

"Mom's. Gonna be mad at her when she gets home, dad will probably yell at her and then take her to get smoothies when Moms away." I say smiling. The bell rings after that.

"We'll I'll see you guys around," Foxy says giving a last second glare at Bonbon making him shiver a bit and walks off.

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