Chapter 12: The truth comes out

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I jump, up, screaming, I fall off my bed and land hard on the floor with a loud thud

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I jump, up, screaming, I fall off my bed and land hard on the floor with a loud thud. I curse as I get up.
"Dude, you need to chill," Bonbon says, getting out of bed and walking over to me. Then the door opens and I see Mangle, Goldie and Mari peak in.
"What happened," Mangle asks.

"Foxy here had another nightmare, a bad one by the look of it, he had a really bad one," Bonbon says turning on a lamp.

"Ya but its fine, just another one of my usual ones," I say, Rubbing the back of my neck.

"Usual, you saying you alway have nightmares," Goldie asks giving me a worried look.

"Well ya every night-"

"Every night? You have nightmares every single night," Mangle asks stepping toward me.

"Well ye-, well not really, I mean-" I stutter

"He's been having then 7 years," Springtrap says.

"Dude-" I start to say.

"Either you tell them or I tell them," He says looking me in the eye.

"Tell us what," Mari asks.

"Fine, but if I'm going to say it, probably better that everyone's here," I say, sighing.

After everyone arrived I explain my dreams.

"So your saying, that you've been having nightmares, everyday for 7 years, and you think it may tie into something that happened 7 years ago that you don't remember, and may hint towards something bad in the future," Fredrick asks.

"Yes, whether or not you choose to believe is up to you, but I've been having these for awhile and, the most recent ones, the one I just had and the one I had yesterday, they were different, yesterday,I'm pretty sure someone was talking to me, He said to look for things on Eric Richards," I say.

I hear a gasp and look over and see Goldie staring at me with wide eyes.

"What," spring asks.

"Eric Richards was a friend of my grandfather," Goldie says, "They we're friends from elementary school, but one day after an accident, a house burnt down and he and his family were in it. The fire killed part of his family, and he was never the same, he went from being a nice, helpful, humorous person to the opposite, bitter, mean, he vanished a few months later, he was last seen walking around an abandoned house, one that eventually burnt down," she says.

"Did the same thing happen to another family in that house," Cc asked.

"Ya, I think so," Goldie replied.

"So that's what it does," I mutter under my breath.

"What does what?" Eric asks.

"In the dream I just had, something that called itself hunter said it was after my life, I think it means to possess me or something, take my life time, it's how it lives," I reply looking up.

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