Chapter 17: "Free Us Please"

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Mangles pov:

I pulled my car over to the side of Foxy's house. Before I could turn the car off, Lolbit was out of the car half way up the drive way. I quickly shut the car off and briskly got out of the car and jogged over to Foxy's door. Lolbit rang the doorbell and glanced back at me. The door opened and a man I assume is Foxy's father answers.

"Hello, I'm Mangle and this is Lolbit, we're friends of Foxy," I say smiling politely.

"Ah yes, Mangle, Foxy's talked about you about come on in," he replied smiling and letting us in. Lolbit smirks a bit at hearing this but I ignore it.

"He's upstairs in his room, he had another Nightmare," Foxy's dad says pointing up the stairs.

"Thank you," Lolbit says walking up the stairs. I follow close behind. Lolbit opens the door and we see Foxy sitting at his desk staring at some newly drawn pictures.

"Hey Foxy," I say nervously. He looks a little startled but settles down quickly.

"Hey, you come to visit," he asks standing up and turning to us.

"Mom got a bit mad, she didn't want us hanging out with you, so we left," Lolbit says plopping herself down on Foxy's bed. Foxy seemed to pause for a second before looking me in the eyes.

"You don't have to choose between me and your parents," Foxy says looking away from me.

"Foxy it's fine," Lolbit says.

"Parents should probably come first," Foxy says walking back to his desk.

"I believe you.......we believe you," I say, stopping Foxy in his tracks. He slowly turns around and looks back at me, he seem to have tears in his eyes like he would cry.

"You do?" He chokes out me.

"Me, Mari, Lolbit, Cc, Fredrick, Liz, Eric, most of us believe you, we want to help," I say stepping towards him. Lolbit smiles watching us.

"Thank you," Foxy says tears appearing in his eyes. I step closer to him and bring him into a hug which he returns.

"Whatever happens, we're all in this together," I say. Foxy nods in  reply.

"Now Kiss!"


The next day, Foxy's pov:

My eyes flutter open and I'm met with the sight of my ceiling. I slowly get up and strain to remember yesterday. Oh, right, new dream, jumped, new friends, Mangle....Mangle. I think about what she said, they all believe me, I smile thinking of it. Mangle and Lolbit went to sleep at Mari's house after they left. I climb out of bed to get ready for school.

At school, I still get the glances that I got last time, of course this wouldn't go away in just a day, I'll have to live with this for awhile. I go to my locker and quietly put my things in that I don't need. When I shut it, I'm met with the faces of Liz, and Eric.

"Foxy, I heard you got beat up, you good," Liz says worried.

"Well good to see my friends care about me, ya I'm fine, just bruised up a bit," I say smiling.

"Good, I wouldn't want to hurt you more on accident when I drag you around the place when you turn isolationist," Eric says chuckling.

"Ha ha very funny, I don't go isolationist ever anymore," I say laughing with him. I see movement out of the corner of my eye and see Nightmari making his way towards me. Eric and Liz get a bit defensive when they see him.

"Hey he's cool, he helped me when I got beat up," I calm then down. I give Nightmari a little wave which he returns with a smile.

"Well if it isn't the traitors congregating over here," I here a voice. I mentally groan as I turn around to face Nightmare.

"Will you just back off nightmare," I say give my him the death stare.

"Hm, confidents, didn't seem so tuff when I whooped your *ss the other day," He says smirking.

"To be fair, I decked you and Fredbear, It took 5 of you to actually beat me, if it was just you, I would have beat you silly," I say stepping towards him.

"Oh really, last time I checked it took, the other traitor over hear, his pathetic girl friend," I see Nightmari tense up at this statement, "and his two idiotic friends who would be smarter to stick with us than this idiot," Nightmare says smirking.

"How bout you shut the h*ll up and back off me and my friends," Nightmari suddenly says stepping up to Nightmare. Nightmare backs up in surprise.

"Ya, back off man," Eric says joining in, cracking his knuckles. Nightmares face full with a bit of fear before he turns and briskly walks in the other direction.

"I think me and this guy are gonna get along quite well," Eric says patting Nightmari on the head before ruffling his hair. "Now, who is this, girlfriend you defend," Eric then asks. Nightmari proceeds to blush profusely.

Time skip: writing:

I get to class earlier than everyone else, Mangle eventually shows and sits to my left followed by Liz. I glance up and notice the image on the board starting to flicker. Not this against. I think rubbing my forehead. I look back up at the board and see that it's stopped flickering. I stare at it for a second before, it changes to an image of the eyes, but this time they are blood red, and blinking, I hear maniacal laughter fill up my heats and block out everything else in the room. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to block it out, but it doesn't work. I tap on my should shuts it out. I glance over and see Mangle looking at me. She mouths to me. Are you ok? I nod and glance up at the board seeing that it has an image of all my friends in their respective rooms, that I was shown, but now, they were all awake. The person who was covered in a blanket slowly stands revealing themselves as Mangle, I hear quiet giggling in my ear before distorted words begin to appear on the screen, SaVe Them All, FrEE Us PlEasE! After that it flickers back to the picture of the eyes again before the image disappears and the teacher begins class. Free us? Is this a trick by the man, or are his minions trying to call for help?

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