Chapter 15: new friends and a new nightmare

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Me: "I thought you were dead!"

My motivation for writing this story: "My death was, greatly, exaggerated!"

Foxy pov:

I stare down at the cup of sprite in-front of me. After the fight, Monty, Roxy, Mari and Nightmari had taken me to a nearby cafe. I was bruised up from the fight but other than that I was fine. Mari was explaining a bit more about the current situation with me and the nightmares. Of course they already knew about my nightmares but they chose not to talk about it.

"So Foxy, how did you end up I. The alley with them," Mari asked curiously.

"Partially my own stupidity, they basicly lured me there, my mistake I shouldn't have gone," I replied looking up at her. She nodded in reply taking a sip out of her drink.

"Let me guess, you don't want me to tell anyone about you guys," I say pointing at Mari and Nightmari.

"That would be preferred," Nightmari replies glancing up at me before quickly looking back down at his drink.

"All right, I won't, now how do you four know each other again," I ask.

"Oh me and Nightmari are neighbors, Roxy lives cross the street, and our other friends live nearby," Monty replies leaning back in his chair.

"There's Freddy, Chi and Sun/moon." Roxy tells me.

"Sun/moon, do they have 2 names," I ask.

"Oh no, he's split personality, sun at day, moon at night. Sun kind, loving and nice, moon generally the opposite though he is loyal to his friends, like us," Roxy reply's smiling. Just then my phone rings. I pull it out and see it's my dad.

"It's my dad, I'll be right back," I say standing up from the seat and moving to the side. I answer the phone and put it to my ear.

"Hello dad, I got beat up by the nightmares, some friends found me and took me to a cafe, I'll be home soon," I say.

"Ok, how bad you beat up," he asks worried.

"Not to badly, I'll be sore but I'm fine." I reassure him.

"Ok um, listen, the school called, some parents have complained about...your situation, their recommending you see a doctor," he says soberly.

"Well they can shove it," I say slightly angered.

"Foxy, their threatening suspension," he says. I'm confused for a sec but then remember N. Bonnie's mom is the principle.

"I don't have a choice then," I say sighing.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this, you'll most likely start next week," he says.

"Ok, love you, bye," I say hanging up.

I let out a large sigh before heading back into the cafe. They notice my slightly down face nearly instantly.

"Something wrong," Mari asks worried.

"Apparently the schools gonna force me to see a doctor," I reply looking down.

"Can they even do that," Monty asks.

"Welcome to my world," I tell him looking up sadly. After a small discussion, I make my way home.

"Foxy your back!" My dad says walking out of the living room when I arrive back and giving me a hug.

"I was so worried, you look a little beat up," he says looking me over worriedly.

"Dad, I'll be fine, just a little sore that's all nothing more," I reassure him.

"Ok, I believe you, you should rest we'll discuss, a few more things later," he says smiling and moving aside to let me through. I nod to him and make my way up to my room. I open the door and step into my room. I feel overwhelmed with fatigue as I settle down on my bed, I close my eyes for a second, and then I open them. But I'm not in my room anymore. I glance around a bit confused before quickly realizing what's happening. I'm tied to a chair, several straps on my arms, legs and torso keep me from moving an inch and the chair seems to be nailed to the floor. In front of me are is a tv monitor that's nothing but static. On the wall behind it are 2 switch's. I glance to my left and see 2 doors each with a switch, and behind me in another hallway is a trapdoor. I appear to be in some kind of attic. I struggle against the straps but they don't break. I hear shuffling coming from somewhere. I tug hard on the straps but nothing happens. Then I hear a click, look the my left and see the trap door opening. To my horror I see a robot coming out of it, I recognized it as the monster that attacked me in my dream at the cabins, but now I could see it  in more detail as it slowly climbs out of the vent, head of a bear, 4 arms and 4 legs. It pulls itself out of the vent and slowly flips itself over using the ceiling. I tug my hardest on the straps but they don't budge. The monster begins to walk towards me, soon it is upon me. It grabs me on the neck and rips me out of the straps. I try to break its grip but it's no use. It opens its mouth and let's out a screech before it closes its jaws around my head, then everything goes black. I wake up back in the chair, I glance around, scared, the monsters gone, I then notice that the tv is no longer static, it shows a hallway, I quickly realize it's a camera system, I examine it a bit, there are 2 cameras options, I notice that they seem to be for the hallways to my left. I tug on the straps again but this time, I'm able to get my arms free. I look at the cameras again before flipping one of the switches. The tv turns back to static and then shows a different camera of a living room, and in the middle I see the monster, I stare at it for a second before, without thinking flip the other switch, the camera flashes white for a second before returning to focus, I notice the monster is to the left now. The switch slows it down, I quickly realize, but what are the other cameras for? I wonder switching back to the other cameras. My question is immediately answered as I'm met with another robot, this one had a large having mouth and 2 large eyes.

 My question is immediately answered as I'm met with another robot, this one had a large having mouth and 2 large eyes

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I stare at it for a second horrified, I notice it's the left hallway. The tv then flickers and the robot vanishes. I immediately flip the switch next to the left door, and it shuts. I hear shuffles and groans on the other side. Check the halls, shut it when they arrive, use the switch to slow down the other thing. I talk to myself as the groans disappear. I then hear another sound, it sounds like running. What is that? I wonder. My question is answered when another robot dashes into the room from the right door.

 My question is answered when another robot dashes into the room from the right door

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I don't have anytime to react before it lunges at me, screeching. I sit up in bed, sweating, terrified, but still alive. What does it mean, this one was different, like the one at the cabins. I think rubbing my forehead. I slowly get up from bed and pull out prices of paper, before drawing what I saw.

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