Chapter 3: First Day Of School part 1

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Foxy's pov: I wake up sweating like usual. I thought for a bit and the I remember part of my nightmare. I had seen some kind of room. There were curtains, a window, there was a lamp on a nightstand and a closet, there was also a device that was glowing green.

I Sit at my desk, pull out a blank piece of paper and quickly draw it up. After I finish I unlock and open a cabinet that was full of other drawings about my Nightmares and put it in and shut it and lock it. I look at the clock. Its 5:30. School starts at 6:45. No use trying to go to sleep. I change get my backpack ready with everything I need and then go downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Your up early," I hear my dad say as he comes down the stairs to get breakfast.

"I just woke up early, chose not to go back to sleep," I reply not looking up.

"You know if anythings troubling you, you an always tell me," He says.

"I know," I say still not looking up.

"I know you've been struggling lately," He says.

"I know," I say again glancing up."I'm always here if you need me," he says again.

"Dad I Know,"I say a bit louder sounding a bit upset. My dad looks little hurt after I say this.

"I'm....sorry,"I say.

"It's ok, you've been though a lot," He says patting me on the back and heading out to the garage.

"Remember you have school at 6:45," Dad says.

"I know," I say finishing breakfast. I hear the garage door opening and then a car leaving, then the garage closes. I sit down on the couch and start watching TV. I shift through the channels until I find one that's interesting and watch it.

50 mins later:

I go into the garage and get into my car and start the engine. I open the garage door and back out of it. Then I close it and start driving to school. As I drive I see people walking with there friends on the sidewalk. I pull into the schools parking lot and park my car. I get out and lock it and then go inside. People are already here, I see people on the sides of the hall, I notice Mari, one of Mangle's friends, I choose not make I contact when she looks over at me. I enter the office and freeze for a second. No one else is there and Nightmare Bonnie is at the desk.

 No one else is there and Nightmare Bonnie is at the desk

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He looks up and grins at me.

"Hello Foxy," he says almost sounding nice.

"hey," I say back.

He looks behind me, "where's your friend, hm what was his name, scrap trap?" He says smiling. I growl at him.

"Oh ya, didn't he leave you all alone," he said. I growl at him again and he stops. He pulls out a piece of paper looks at it for a bit and then hands it to me.

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