Chapter 8: The Cabins

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Foxy's POV:
It was time to go so we all got into our cars, we limited to a few cars so I don't have to drive, me, Springtrap and Goldie all got into a Van with Mangle, Eric, Liz and her family. Liz's mom and dad sit in the front. I sit next to Michael on the first 2 passenger seats, Mangle and Chris sit behind us and everyone else squishes in the back. Our van leads the Column of 4 cars down the road and onto the highway. I primarily listen to music but I do notice Springtrap teaching everyone how to weaponize IKEA pencils. Classic Springtrap. He already told me. I have the weapon/launcher thingy in my closet.

"He usually do things like that," Michael asks me looking back at Springtrap.

"Ya, he's pretty cool, he watches a lot of YouTube videos on things like that. I think he also weaponized figit spinners but he hasn't showed me the contraption," I reply.

"You ever used something like that," he asks. "Ya, we went on a camping trip once, I brought the pencil launcher and I shot a squirrel with it, It ran in circles for a second and then took of up a tree," I say laughing.

"You guys seem to be more like brothers than friends," he says.

"Ya, you can say that, awhile ago, when I was in a depressed state after my mom died and things like that. He brought me out of it, and temporarily I became an little bit of an extrovert, then he had to move and I fell back into sadness, but I think I'm permanently out now," I say.

We talk for a very long time until we come to a gas station we park so that everyone can go to the bathroom and stretch there legs, and buy treats. I go inside and begin searching the aisles for candy bars. As I did I notice Chris next to me reaching up for a pack of bubble gum that he was to little to reach. I chuckle a bit and walk over and grab it for him. He smiles and thanks me and runs off. I get a can of coke and go to the counter to buy it and a few candy bars. When I get back to the car  I notice a reflection in the windshield. It was some kind of robot bird.

I slowly turn around and saw it standing in front of me

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I slowly turn around and saw it standing in front of me. I blink and then it was gone. I see Springtrap coming out of the store and when he looks at me I give him a worried look. He seems to understand what I mean and nods. It was a relatively quick brake and soon we're back on the road. I was quiet for the rest of the drive though I'm not sure anyone actually notice other than Springtrap. Everyone was to busy chatting and laughing.
Hours later:
"Ok we're here," I hear William say.
I look out the window and see a few cabins. Wow, the cabins are huge. There were 2 cabins. Both 2 story. There was also a lake. We get out and grab our stuff. We get to pick which cabins we sleep in, I just go to the nearest one. Elizabeth is standing by the door.

"Bedrooms are upstairs, they will be divided between boys and girls." She says. I nod showing I understand and go in. I sit on the couch and go through my stuff. I see Mangle and her friends come in along with Liz and Hers. How are we going to fit all these people? I think to myself.

"Ok people listen up," Liz says. "There are 4 bedrooms upstairs. They are all to the right of the stairs in a corridor, the girls will sleep in the one to the right, and the boys will sleep on the left. There are 2 bunk beds in each, and we have.......13 people so we will have 3 empty beds." She says.

"Why are there so many beds," Fredrick asks.

"This place used to be used as a summer camp place or something," Liz answers. "Anyway we'll be going on a small hike when everyone's settled in. You don't have to come if you don't want to, and then we'll go out on the lake," she then says.
I walk upstairs and go down the corridor, I open the first door on the left, it's a bathroom so I shut the door and go to the next one, this one is a bedroom. It has 2 bunk beds, some cabinets, some lamps and a few pictures on the wall. I don't really care about which bed I choose. But then again I don't want to fall off the top bunk and break my neck if someone scares me, so I choose a bottom bunk.My roommates end up being Springtrap and Bonbon. I don't know who is in the other rooms other than that the other boy room has Eric, Fredrick and Fred but I don't really care. I choose To go on the hike, I love hikes, my parents and I used to go on hikes pretty much every week. Starting small and working our way up. Springtrap comes too, along with everyone in our cabin but CC and Fred. The trails not far so me and Springtrap race to it. He beat me but a foot or two. He was always a better Sprinter than me, though I always edged him in more distance. It's so good to have him back here. Though it's probably just for the weekend. It's not like he's moving back. We start hiking and I take off in front of everyone. It's a short hike to a waterfall, I'd seen a few waterfalls, a lot of them were pretty cool. Then there are lame ones that are basically just a natural version of a sink but you can't turn it on and off, there a tiny bit bigger and it comes out of a crack or something. I get there in a few minutes. It's a pretty cool waterfall but I've seen better. Everyone else arrives a few minutes later. As I'm watching the waterfall I don't notice lolbit scooping up some water with a small bucket she brought. SPLASH! I'm suddenly drenched in water as Lolbit dumps it on me. Everyone around me starts laughing. I get up and look at Lolbit.

"Ok," I say, grinning. I kick some water at her and a water fight quickly starts. I'm running around splashing people left and right, when Mangle, Lolbit, Bonbon and Mari all team up on me and Springtrap. We're basically back to back with the 4 others surrounding us.

"We have you surrounded, surrender, and you shall not be harmed," Mangle says as if she's speaking into a microphone.

"Um, how," Springtrap says splashing Bonbon. We continue for a few minutes until it's time to head back. I don't want to hike in a soaked shirt so I take it off and ring it out a bit. When I look over I see Mangle watching me. She looks away and blushes a bit. I feel myself blush as I put my shirt back on. As I'm running back I hear rustling behind me, I don't care because it was probably an animal of some kind. Then I hear footsteps, robotic footsteps. I glance behind me and see a robotic Fox running behind me.

 I glance behind me and see a robotic Fox running behind me

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I start running faster trying to out run it but I trip. I land hard on one of my knees. I look back and see the Fox staring at me. It lunges at me screeching. I put my hand up, I thought it was going to ram into me, stab me with it's hook, but nothing happens. I look up and the Fox is gone. I look at my knee. It's bleeding but not too badly. I hear running and soon springtrap comes around the corner.

"Hey man you good," he asks with a puzzled look on his face. He then sees my knee. " Oh did you trip," he asks. I look up at him. "They're getting worse," I simply say, panting. He pauses for a second and then helps me up. The others come around the corner.

"What happened," Mangle asks. "I tripped, hurt my knee a bit, I can still walk though, It's nothing to worry about," I say. I walked the rest of the way, when we got back, william bandaged it and we went on with our day.
Finally, done, 1444 words.

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