Amber Antags

34 4 0

Prompt: Scary Crab Rave, YEP (SCRY)

"Look at those beautiful palm trees Mumbo. Such fitting things for the Pacific lobby." Iskall said as they entered the sandy beach. He was still salty about his palm trees that Mumbo had removed because of the banking system.

"I had no other place to put them. Plus that was a while ago. You should move over it mate." The moustashed man protested. The two were still arguing about the decoration of their lobby.

"Guys don't argue. We're here to make Shishwamy feel better. He's been sad for a while. We have 5 minutes till he and Tango come so we should hurry."

The four hermits quickly set up their umbrella and chairs. Joe even takes out some drinks and snacks. "Mr. Hills, I thought you would get us books to read, not foods to eat." Iskall sat down on one of the chairs taking a drink from the pile.

"First of all my friend, that ryhmed very well. And second no food and drinks are more important for a beach day, but if you want I have some poems memorised."

"Alright! We're almost there. We only need to pass this forest and badam!" Tango took the blindfold from their admins head. It took a solid minute for Xisuma's eyes to get used to the bright beach sun. When he was able to see well enough he asked:

"Guys. Why are there crabs coming this way. Is this something planned or I am finally going insane."

"What?" Keralis gave the most vocal respond. The crabs started to make a circle around Xisuma, who had no idea what was going on.

Xisuma, still completely and utterly baffled by the crabs, stepped back slowly away from them.

The crabs then started to crawl up his legs. Xisuma yelled out in surprise, shaking his leg in attempt to get them off of himself. He thought he could hear some snickering and movement in the bushes behind him, but he ignored it, clearly too occupied by the crabs.The crabs then began to weigh down X by gathering on his back.

"What are you all doing standing there, help me!" He said, green-tinted eyes looking for the other hermits wildly, looking for someone, anything to help him. But he could see nobody else there. The other hermits had disappeared.

The crabs then finally succeeded at weighing Xisuma down, so the admin fell back onto the pile of crabs. Xisuma desperately tried to push away the crabs supporting him, but he failed. The crabs begin to carry Xisuma around the beach.

Xisuma finally manages to jump up, and away from the crabs. He starts to run away, but realizes something about the crabs. Almost as if... they care for him. They began walking around him slower this time, as if they were respecting his wishes. He shed a single tear as he looked down at the crabs again.

The admin had never felt so loved by anything or anyone before. He felt as if the crabs... understood him. They knew him even better then any of the hermits could claim. It was comforting, the crab's love.

Xisuma looked behind him, smiling. The others were all hidden behind the trees in the forest behind, the greenery covering them up and hiding them. Xisuma snorted as a crab jumped playfully on his shoulders, using him as a perch.

"Come on! Their harmless!" Xisuma called the the others, petting a few crabs. Sand was thrown into his face, but the admin didn't care, he just loved the crabs.

Tango was the first to emerge, and a crab, with a few small whispers from Xisuma, waddled over to the red-eyed man, rubbing up against him. Tango squealed, kneeling down and hugging the crab tightly.

Soon after, the others left their hiding spots one by one, each connecting to the crabs. The red creatures were so genuinely kind for their looks.

"This is not how I expected a crab to be...." Iskall mumbled, cradling a group of three crabs in his arms. The other nodded with agreement, all surprised by the tamed crabs.

"Yeah. Their so nice, nicer than a dog." Mumbo petted some of the crabs around him, as the group broke out into banter, making Xisuma smile.

Turning away, Xisuma was met with a group of four crabs. The four were crab raving. Xisuma waved the others over, hermits and crabs alike gathered around, seeing the four still doing the legendary dance.

Slowly but surely, the crabs began to join in, all of the making a dance sequence together full of raving and fun.

Tango was the first to step forward, laughing slightly as he slowly replicated the crab dance. The crabs seemed happy, a few jumping a bit.

"You look ridiculous!" Iskall remarked, as Keralis joined in, along with joe. Almost two seconds later, they were both in sync with the crabs, as if the crabs had magic in the form of dancing.

"That's the point." Keralis replied, snorting.

Eventually, they were all dancing with the crabs. It wasn't the beach trip they were expecting but...

That didn't mean it was bad.

Score: 10

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