The Birds

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"OHMYGOSH," Wheeler shrieked, terror clawing at his gut.

Mister Pumpernickel let out a terrified croak as Wheeler whispered a spell, quickly moving his wand to create a gush of wind powerful enough to blow them back.

Desperately he glanced to Mulock. "Mully," he squealed, "can you help?"

"I can't," Mulock replied, his voice tight. "Since it's considered a 'good deed' demon rules forbid us from using our magic to directly protect humans."

"Demons have rules?"

"Yes, an ungodly amount." If the situation hadn't been so frightening, Wheeler might have laughed at the pun. "But you've trained for this, Wheeler. Just concentrate and you'll be fine."

The birds had begun to screech now. It was a shrill, horrible sound.

Wheeler took a deep breath, the birds almost upon him once more. "M-Məridiəm," he stammered, an explosion of bright blinding light suddenly emanating from the tip of his wand. He spun around in a circle, causing the birds to cower back as the light breached their small, beady eyes.

"Why aren't they attacking you?" Wheeler yelled over the screeching, still spinning before any of the birds could properly regain their sight.

"They seem like a magically activated trap, not actual animals," Mulock called back. "They were probably designed for humans so they're not even detecting me."

"Wait...I have an idea!"

"Well that's a rare occurrence--"

"Now is not the time!" Wheeler panted, growing out of breath from the spinning mixed with the constant stamina needed to keep the light shining. "If they can't detect you, why don't you check the cabinet while I keep fending them off."

"Okay, I'll try. What year do you need?"

"Around 1390."

Wheeler finally stopped spinning, feeling about ready to pass out as a wave of dizziness crashed over him. The moment the light was gone, the bird started to dive towards him again. Quickly Wheeler flicked his wand, creating another gust of wind, forcing them backwards. He was breathing heavily, the blood in his veins already begining to burn.

"Uh, Wheeler..." he suddenly heard Mulock yell. "We might have a small problem."

With the world still spinning, Wheeler frantically looked to the brook Mulock currently stood beside. What had once been just a small trickle had somehow erupted into a monstrous body of water. Massive waves crashed down, one after the other, creating a blockade of water between them and the cabinet.

"Oh jeez," Wheeler mumbled, his voice growing hoarse. "Hang on." Swallowing hard, Wheeler lowered his wand, beginning to run. The birds immediately took off after him, diving low to strike. The boy dashed desperately for the trees, the deafening screeches growing so close he was afraid he might lose hearing.

"Wheeler, watch out!" Mulock frantically called.

Just as the words left the demon, Wheeler felt warm drips of slobber hit the back of his neck. His insides practically turned to mush, the horror striking fast and hard that the creature's jaws were about to close on him.

He felt his hat shift and then suddenly the loudest, most horrible, ear-splitting croak came from Mister Pumpernickel. The sound was so awful that even the birds cowered back for a moment.

And thank God for that moment, it was just enough time for Wheeler to safely make it to the tree. He was practically ready to weep from relief as he reached it—but not yet. This was going to be by far the hardest part.

Wheeler had never cast a spell that would require this much mental precision. Nonetheless, he had to try. Mulock hadn't put months of training into him for Wheeler to just get killed by some monster birds.

As the birds recovered from Mister Pumpernickel's surprise croak attack, Wheeler quickly moved forward, pressing the tip of his wand against the tree as he attempted to split his consciousness. With one half he pictured the tree's branches moving forward, blocking off the birds attempting to strike. With the other, he imagined the branches extending forward, creating a bridge over the river. Quietly he whispered, "Crəs cəre."

Instantly he felt a fire in his veins like he'd never experienced before, the magic moving through him and into the tree. The pain was overwhelming, and it took nearly everything Wheeler had not to curl up into a ball and start weeping. He bit his lip, holding back the sting of tears as it felt like his very brain was attempting to rip in two.

Deep in the back of his head he remembered what Mulock had told him during training. "Don't panic. Just take deep breaths. Wheeler, you can do this. I know you can." He kept playing the words over and over again, fighting to keep his breathing steady. Despite the fact that his mind was nearly white with pain, he kept the picture clear in his head of the bridge and the branches, striking and blocking each attack.

Then suddenly, through the fog of fire, pain, and exhaustion, Mulock's real voice cut through the air. "Wheeler! I got the file! Let's go!"

Using the last of his energy, Wheeler whisked his wand in one quick motion. A branch shot out, temporarily blocking the birds before he took off running, charging desperately for the exit.

The moment they burst through the door, Mulock immediately slammed it shut behind them. Wheeler let out a low sigh of relief, slumping against the wall as he struggled to catch his breath. His head was swimming as he fought to maintain consciousness.

Wheeler's gaze fell to the thin scroll Mulock held now. Despite his exhaustion, Wheeler needed to know what was in that file. He was desperate.

"Mulock," he rasped. "What does it say?!"

The demon quickly undid the ribbon holding the scroll together, pulling it open.

Almost immediately the demon's expression hardened.

Wheeler instantly felt a horrible wave of dread rise in the pit of his stomach. "What does it say?" he whispered hoarsely.

Mulock didn't answer, simply holding out the scroll so Wheeler could see its contents.

Wheeler's mouth went dry and, despite himself, he couldn't bite back the cruel sting of disappointed tears burning his eyes.

The scroll was completely blank.

"Hey," Mulock said softly. "I'm sorry. I should have never suggested this--"

And that's when the door to Vera's office swung open and the headmistress appeared. 

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