My guardian angel part 1

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Atalie watched her siblings get ready for another mission that they had to go to. She watched them curiously as they put on their armor and grab their speers. She talked happily with Mila as she gave her her Speer to look at. As Atalie took it she widened her eyes a bit "it's much heavier than it looks like" when she said that Mila nodded eagerly and took her Speer back as she was offered it back.

Atalie POV
" you think father would let me go this time if I ask him again?" I look up at her being shorter than her. Mila just looked at me not answering me immediately clearly thinking about it. After some seconds she nodded softly and mumbled a small 'sure we can try'.

When she said that I smiled brightly and took her hand and basically ran to him causing her laugh softly as she stumbled after me. As I was in front of the gate wich lead to him I slowed down again and glanced at Mila. She gave a small smile and motioned me to go inside wich I did.

As I opened the gate to father I looked up directly to his face where he smiled at me "hello father" he gave me a smile "hello Atalie. Do you need something?" As he asked me that I quickly nodded "I wanted to ask...If I can join the others this time..." when I said that he leaned back as he kept looking at me as Michael who I just noticed being there spoke up "I don't know about that atalie."

When he said that I looked at him "why not?" He sighed "you are clearly not suitable for this kind of thing." , "what do you mean? Everyone else is allowed to go. Why not me too?" When I said that he sighed again obviously hiding something from me "it's just-" "enough Michael. I already made my decision." I looked back at our father as he said that "she is allowed to go with you guys."

When he said that I laughed happily "oh thank you so much father~" as I was getting all excited I can't faintly hear my father tell me to go to Mila as she would explain everything to me and I nodded eagerly before I ran to her

Third person POV
Michael watched her run off and close the gate behind her and sighed again as he held his head in his hand "are you sure that this is the right decision? I mean..what if she sees him? And falls for his tricks? She could go against us then..." god nodded softly and looked at him "I understand your concern but I think it would be worse if I'd keep her here. And he wouldn't trick her into she wouldn't want at all. He loves her too much for that. Now go. Everyone is waiting for you to go."

Michael nodded softly knowing better than to keep arguing with him and saw everyone actually there waiting for him to them the start. He sighed again worriedly as he saw atalie standing there next to Mila being completely ecstatic. He then looked at everyone else again "let's get this over with."

Atalie POV
As Michael gave the go I simply followed mila as she had told me to before. We all went to a place of heaven in which I was never in before and they started to step into a portal which seemed to show a world that seems red and really dark. I remember mila telling me about the very bad place we were going to...but there can't be only bad can it?

As I was thinking about it I felt someone get behind me and I turned to look at them seeing that it's Michael looking down at me "everything okay atalie? You don't have to go if you feel scared." I shook my head no "Iam not" he nodded softly "okay. Then let's go shall we?" I nodded again and stepped through the portal with him following close behind me

The first thing I noticed was the heat. What made it even hotter was the almost heavy air. Michael spoke up behind me "mila explained what were here to do right?" I nodded softly not really having understood what she meant by cleanse this place so I decided to explore this place instead "good then you are free to go"

I nodded and flew off trying to get a view of the entire city there have to be many people liv- I stopped in my tracks as I saw the people if you can even call them that ..are they even human? I've never seen any like that.... I kept staring at them before I snapped out of it and kept going until I saw a castle. Thinking that it's interesting to know who rules this place I flew there

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