When she says her first word

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Lucifer had Charlie on his lap as he read a book to her with a big smile in front of the Fireplace in a big chair, both covered in a blanket to keep her warm. He was currently reading 'the ugly duckling' to her wich was her absolute favorite book from all.

„All of the ducks in the pond stared at the ugly ducking and began to laugh.  The mother duckling sadly took her little ducklings over to a different part of the pond.  The other ducklings were giggling and making fun of the ugly one.  Two nearby ducks swam by and pecked at the ugly duckling's feathers." as he read that he smiled softly as she pointed out the duckling on the picture in the small book before pointing on the other ones surrounding it with a small frown „they are being really mean to it hm?"

She nodded softly as she leaned against him causing him to kiss her fire head as he keeps reading the story. As he kept going he couldn't help but relate to the duckling sticking out and being mistreated by other people who aren't quite like him. He sighed softly as he read not noticing Charlie's round eyes concentrating completely on him and nothing else. After a couple of seconds of quiet staring and him not noticing he could her a small „daddy?" wich caused his gaze to snap at her with a bright smile dropping the book while he held her up.

„What did you say doll?" he smiles at her encouraging her to repeat it again „daddy!!" he nods quickly „yes Iam your daddy~" he hugged her being super happy that her first word was 'daddy' and looked at Lilith all excited „she said daddy!!" wich caused her to give him a small smile and nod „great~"

He nodded quickly „we have to celebrate this~" he smiled at Charlie „what do you think? Do you want to throw a ball doll?" as she giggled at his excitement wich he interpreted as a yes „great~ it will be tonight~" he hummed happily as he walked with her to one of his servants to tell them to prepare everything and to invite his closest allies.

After they hurried off he looked at Charlie „we have to decide what you'll wear~" and with that he walked off into her room

Hello everybody
Iam backkkkkj
Im still drowning in exams but I will try to keep updating so please don't be disappointed when I forget to release something....
Anyways this is the way I plan to make her childhood...it won't be much but I also don't want to drag out that part too much so I thought it is a good way to do that

Tell me how you feel about that~

Xoxo Mizu
Stay safe and healthy 💕

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