Old scars

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It had been a few days since Elijah had managed to smuggle the note out of his library confinements. He had spent those days sitting at the desk flipping through the books that he had been ordered to read through and writing down notes. The only thing that kept Elijah sane the entire time was when Liliana had secretly worked with Josephine to sneak Dorian into the library to be with Elijah for a few hours.

Elijah had become agitated with how many days he had been locked up, anxiety began clouding his mind as his annual commitment was getting closer and closer yet there was no sign of a reply from his note.

"This is rather a lot of secrecy for a romantic reunion" At hearing that familiar fancifull voice Elijah turned quickly to the source. A familiar blonde haired elf was casually laying on the windowsill, a smirk across his face.

"Always the show-off aren't you Gabriel?"

"We can't all be mages, now can we?" Gabriel swung his legs into the room standing window. "Now, what kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?" Elijah rolled his eyes at this.

"I'm not in trouble" Elijah pouted.

"Uh, huh so there just so happens to be guards outside all the doors for what? Fun?" Crossing his arms a small blush of embarrassment spreading across his face.

"Okay, so I'm in trouble" Gabriel smiled at hearing this.

"Ah, Elijah still getting up to no good? I'm so proud!"

"Look can you get me out? Please?" Gabriel walked to one of the shelves, examining the books.

"Hmmm, why not?" Gabriel turned to face Elijah. The elf walked to the window.

"So what's the plan?" Elijah stood beside Gabriel looking out over the mountains.

Gabriel looked at Elijah and smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You trust me?" Gabriel asked, without hesitating Elijah nodded.

"Always" Elijah didn't notice as Gabriel turned him so his back was to the window.

"Good" without warning Gabriel moved his hand from Elijah's shoulder to his chest and shoved him.

Elijah screamed as he fell, only stopping as he landed in a large mound of snow. Elijah took a moment to compose himself, and make sure nothing was broken, before sitting up. A moment later Gabriel landed gracefully a few feet away from him, jumping out of the snow and brushing himself off.

He walked over to Elijah, offering him a hand. "You planned that from the start didn't you?" he said as he took Gabriel's hand pulling him up.

"Now all we have to do is get Bruno and we can head off, know where they're keeping him?" At hearing the demon's name Elijah's heart stopped slightly before aching, remembering his best friend's death. Gabriel must have noticed the change in Elijah's demeaner. "What's up?" Elijah grabbed his arm, it almost looked like it hurt Elijah to talk about Bruno.

"Bruno's gone, Gabriel" the elf's eyes widened slightly.

"What happened?"

"There was an attack, he sacrificed himself to make sure I got out alive"

"Oh... Anyway, where are we going?"


Several years prior

Elijah stares up at the blonde haired elf, the dead bodies still strewn around the two rain pouring heavily drenching the both of them. Elijah watches the elf open his mouth but before he could get a word out, the sound of loud thumping approaching. Looking towards the sound Elijah see's Bruno charging towards the downed Qunari, his fists raised above his head ready to bring them down on the elf. Colliding down on the floor Elijah watches, surprised as the elf seemingly disappeared into thin air. Bruno turned back to Elijah and quickly but gently nuzzled him affectionately helping him off the ground. Looking around and without wasting any time Elijah turned to Bruno.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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