Old friends, old pain

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During the week travel Dorian stayed by Elijah's side to help him with anything from helping him over rough terrain to just helping him sneakily loosen the chains so he could eat and drink whilst they rested. Its angered Dorian that the agents were willing to let Elijah starve and he knew that Elijah would of just by watching him struggle to keep a hold of his food and drink. As After the week travel they finally arrived at the secret entrance to the castle before they entered Dorian stopped in front of Elijah and quickly cut the chains off with a small blast of fire.

"Can't have our protector's aim off by those hideous things now can we?" Elijah smirked as he flexed his hand and rubbed his red wrists. "Are you going to be okay?" Elijah nods.

"Yeh once this is done I can just heal myself, don't worry I've dealt with worse" This made Dorian frown, but they followed after the agents Bruno stopping at the entrance Bruno saw Elijah walking further and further away and let out a low warble. "Don't worry Bruno, I'll be back before you know it" Bruno lowered down to sit on the ground getting comfortable guarding the entrance. When the group finally made it up to the surface they snuck their way in facing a few demons that Elijah had spoken to and calmed down enough to be sent back into the Fade. When they finally came to the throne room they saw the Venatori in the room swiftly the guards ran up to them as Dorian confronted his old master Elijah stayed back to watch their backs but once the agents had killed all of the Venatori Elijah began to walk forward. However, just as everyone thought it was over Alexius lifted up an amulet as he glared at Syllia and hissed.

"You are nothing but a mistake" As the amulet began to glow Dorian quickly swung his staff hitting Alexius summoning a large rift and in a blinding light Syllia and Dorian were gone. Elijah felt his heart stop despite only knowing Dorian for a week he had bonded with him, him being the first one in many years showing him true kindness. Numbness spread through Elijah's body as his eyes began to ignite into purple flames. He marched forward his sharp teeth clenched in anger and his hands beginning to be engulfed by purple fire. As the magister saw Elijah he took a step back in shock and fear.

"How dare you! You are going to pay for even thinking of doing that!" As the fire ignited more even the companions that Syllia brought, Varric and Solas seemed to step back slightly. After the initial shock of seeing the Demon Prince Alexius gained confidence smirking.

"I was hoping that you would show up, Demon Prince" The title just made Elijah's hatred deepen. "The elder one taught his followers how to deal with you if you chose the wrong side" Alexius suddenly brought a dagger and sliced his hand slightly and before Elijah could do anything Alexius was using blood magic. In a matter of seconds Elijah suddenly fell to his knees screaming in pain. Despite only knowing rumours and stories Varric and Solas ran up to Elijah, Varric placing a comforting hand on Elijah's shoulder.

"You okay kid?" Elijah couldn't answer as his purple flames changed to a deep blood red colour making the two companions' step back in fear. Elijah slowly raised himself up and a deep demonic growl erupted from his throat.


As Syllia and Dorian walked around the cells they soon found Solas and Varric in the lower cells after explaining they were going to go back in time to stop Alexius, Dorian looked to the other empty cells and asked.

"Wait, what happened to Elijah?" Syllia only then noticed what the mage meant that Elijah was nowhere in sight the looks that Varric and Solas shared with each other didn't help the worries growing either.

"Well after everyone thought you had died I think Elijah snapped he was ready to fight Alexius but..." Varric took a second almost as if he still needed to come to grips with what happened. "Alexius used blood magic on the kid" At the word blood magic Dorian tensed up slightly his jaw setting in anger. "It did something to him, corrupted him? I don't know" Solas then spoke up at this point.

Mages and demons don't mixOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz