A dance with elves

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Elijah sat in the library bored out of his mind, he had read through all the books in library and he couldn't talk to Dorian as he had gone to investigate Venatori activity in the Western Approach. So now Elijah had nothing to do but lay draped over the chair that him and Dorian would share. After a few hours of just laying across the chair he got up and brushed down his shirt before going on a walk around the ramparts taking in the cool night air. He looked up at the stars letting the wind blow through his hair. He combed his fingers through his hair and was about to head back in when the noise of someone moving quickly caught Elijah's attention. He walks down the ramparts and sees Syllia moving fluidly with her daggers in her hands practising her fight stance and moves. Elijah couldn't help but stare at her movements in awe and amazement. He decided to walk down towards her but as he got close to her she quickly spun and placed the dagger to his throat making him freeze in fear. When she realises it is Elijah she quickly pulls the dagger back.

"Oh gosh sorry about that Elijah, warn me before sneaking up though I could have killed you" Elijah, after getting over his initial shock let out a strained chuckle rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sorry, I was kind of distracted by your moves, the way you move is beautiful" This made Syllia blush in embarrassment.

"Your just being kind"

"No really, the way you move looked like a dance" This made Syllia chuckle.

"It was just some simple moves, I taught them years ago but no harm in practising them some more"

"Why are you practising up here? Why not down in the training yard?" Elijah asked confused.

"I prefer to practice alone; I don't really like people watching me practice."

"Oh, sorry do you want me leave?" Syllia quickly shuck her head.

"No, no don't worry I was just finishing" As Syllia was sheathing her daggers Elijah spoke up.

"So, I was wondering what you like were, you know, before you became the Herald?" Syllia sighed before sitting on the rampart wall.

"I lived with my Dalish clan, always on the move I never really like living in the clan, the only thing keeping me there was my mother and father" Elijah took a seat next to Syllia as he listened. "My mum wanted me to be an archer, but I could never get the hang of using a bow but my dad he trained me how to be a rouge with daggers" She stroked the hilt of the daggers slowly with a small smile. "These used to be his, he got injured when some bandits attacked our clan my father lost his arm in the attack, he then trained me to be the rouge in our clan."

"Would you like to go back and see your parents again?"

"They're dead." This made Elijah's eyes widen in worry.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I shouldn't have brought this up" Syllia waved her hand shaking her head.

"No, don't worry about it, you didn't know. After my parents died I hated the clan, I would always use any excuse to leave for a few days, either hunting or scouting ahead so when they sent me to go spy on the Conclave I was ecstatic, heh guess I got my wish to leave permanently" She turns to Elijah. "What were your parents like?"

"Oh actually, I was found as a baby by a couple who raised me, they were very kind people who didn't care that I was a mage, but they didn't know about my demon friends" The two of them sat together for the rest of the night talking about their pasts. 

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