Terrible fathers make for interesting sons

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It has been three weeks since the Inquisitor helped Elijah with the mages near the fade rift during these weeks Elijah spent a lot of his time researching more about the rifts and training his powers. He has also met a spirit called Cole who was intrigued by Elijah as when he tried to read him as he could do with other people what he got was blurred as though he wasn't complete enough to read yet.

After the weeks had passed as Elijah sat in his room reading the book that Varric had written called Swords and Shields there was a knock on his door. Elijah quickly hid the book under his pillow before opening the door to see a slightly anxious Dorian.

"Hi Dorian, what's up?" Dorian walked into the room getting more anxious.

"I was wondering if I could ask a from favour from you?"

"Of course, you can, you were willing to help me the other week I can help you" Dorian ran his hand through his hair and let out a deep sigh.

"You see my father has been in contact with Mother Giselle" at hearing this Elijah's eyes widen remembering how Dorian did not get along with his father. "The Inquisitor showed me a letter about a family retainer who is going to meet us in the bar in Redcliff village. The Inquisitor is coming with me, but I was hoping you could come as well, as you know more about my family then the Inquisitor" Elijah nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry Dorian I'll come with you guys, when are we leaving?" Dorian smiled in relief.

"We're setting off in the morning, thank you for coming Elijah" Elijah gave him a smile as Dorian walked to the door to leave but not before turning back. "I really appreciate this" when Dorian flashed Elijah a smile, Elijah felt his heart jump slightly as he looked away as Dorian left.

After just over a week of the trio travelling they finally arrived at Redcliff once they entered the tavern Dorian looked around at the empty tavern anxiously.

"It's empty, that doesn't bode well"

"Dorian." A male voice made the three turn around to see a magister, who Dorian glared at.

"Father." Elijah's eyes widened slightly not expecting to meet Dorian's father at that moment but then glared daggers at the man. "So, the whole story about the family retainer was what? A smokescreen?" Dorian's father walked forward shaking his head slightly.

"Then you were told." He turned to Syllia. "I apologise for the deception Inquisitor, I never intended for you to be involved" He then shot a glare to Elijah. "Neither did I want you to be involved with my family, demon" Elijah glared at the man growling slightly.

"Don't you dare, you don't get to make them kind of judgements to him, you don't know him." Dorian hissed at his father. "What exactly is this father? Ambush, kidnapping, warm family reunion?" His dad sighed shaking his head.

"This is how it has always been"

"You went through all of this to get Dorian here, talk to him" Syllia says speaking up. Dorian looks from Syllia to his dad.

"Yes, father talk to me, let me hear how mystified you are by my anger" Dorian starts his anger already beginning to boil.

"Dorian, there's no need to-" His father attempts to stop him but Dorian cuts him off quickly.

"I prefer the company of men" Dorian says looking ahead, the news makes both Elijah and Syllia look to him, Syllia looks shocked at the news but Elijah wore a straight-face underneath however, he couldn't help but feel a bit of joy at the news. "My father disapproves" This made Elijah glare at the dad again, but this time Dorian's dad actually stepped back slightly.

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