And friends found

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Another ten years passed but Elijah hadn't aged a day since he found out he was a demon god. Since he had left his friends he travelled around all of Thedas with Bruno staying out of sight of mortals not wanting to get involved for as long as he could. Despite this he would help whenever he could, if a village was getting attacked by bandits the bandits would instead find themselves fighting the demon prince. Despite hearing that King Alistair and Queen Rosaline told everyone he had taken down the Archdemon people just called him the Demon Prince. Somehow someone had seen the conversation with his father. Even if he saves a village the mortals would either attack him or run in fear from him. That's why he only ever travelled with Bruno along his travels he had picked up word of a group from Tevinter, a cult called the Venatori. A few weeks prior an explosion happened at the temple of sacred ashes killing the Divine sending the mages and Templars into panic fighting one another yet again. This explosion wasn't a normal explosion however it had left a giant rift in the sky letting demons fall from it. Most of the demons Elijah had managed to control and send back to the fade but others refused to go and would try to kill Elijah. Elijah had tracked this cult until he found out they were in Redcliff. Elijah hadn't been there since he agreed to absorb the Archdemon essence to save Rosaline and Alistair. 

After watching from a distance he became worried they were working with a Tevinter Magister who was using the rifts that were appearing to alter time. Elijah didn't know what to do he didn't think he would be working with mortals any time soon but he couldn't hope to stop the Venatori plot by himself. Luckily he had heard from some of the Redcliff villagers the start of a group called the Inquisition with a Herald of Andreste. After gathering as much information about the Inquisition and the Venatori as he could he headed straight for Haven. As he arrived he noticed soldiers training in the front with tents set up. When one saw him his quickly turned to a blonde haired solider who must of been the Commander as he quickly ordered the men to pick up their weapons. Elijah slowed to a stop as the soldiers aimed their weapons at him and Bruno, Bruno growled threatening them to make the first move. Elijah's eyes glowed purple as he turned to Bruno sending him a calming look. He then turned back to the Commander and spoke up.

"I am here to talk to the Herald of Andreste!" 

"Why is that?!" The commander asked.

"Because I wish to help!" Before the commander could speak again the large gates opened up as a female elf walked out.

"Because I wish to help!" Before the commander could speak again the large gates opened up as a female elf walked out

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"Are you the Herald of Andreste?!" Elijah asked the new person.

"I am, who are you?!" She answered Elijah slowly took his hood off when they saw his face the soldiers became even more ready to attack.

"My name is Elijah, I fought at the battle in Denerim and slayed the Archdemon. But you will probably just know me as the Demon Prince" Judging by her shocked and slightly scared face she had heard of him. "I promise you I mean you and your village no harm" 

"Then why have you brought a demon with you?" The commander asked.

"He's been with me for twenty years he goes wherever I go, I only wish to speak with you" The Herald thought for a moment.

"Okay, I will speak with you" She ignored the shocked looked from the soldiers and the commander as she walked towards Elijah. As she got in front of him he bowed slightly.

"I thank you Lady Herald not many would even give me a chance to speak." She still looked on edge as she just gave him a nod. "I am unaware of your knowledge on the matter but I bring you news about the Venatori" This made her eyes widen slightly.

"What do you know about the Venatori?" 

"I've been watching them for quite a while now and they are working with a Magister in Redcliff" She began to nod.

"Yes, we met the Magister and his son. His son and his friend Dorian are working with us to stop the rifts" Elijah nodded actually quite impressed how much knowledge the Inquisition already had on the matter.

"Well, if you will have me, I would be honoured to help and stop this threat before it gets worse"

"Why would you come out of hiding now?" Just as Elijah opened his mouth to answer his eyes caught the sight of a woman coming out of the hold. When he saw her his eyes widen and he looked down quickly but she had already seen him.

"Elijah?!" Elijah grimaced slightly at the thought of now having to deal with his but he took a deep breath and looked up.

"Hello Liliana" said woman swiftly walks up to him and slaps him across the face. Elijah holds his cheek. "was expecting that" then she suddenly pulled him into a hug. "was not expecting this" after awkwardly standing there for a second he wrapped his arms around her hugging her. 

"Where did you go?! After the Archdemon we all thought you died!" Her face paled slightly as she whispered. "Oh god Rosaline and Alistair they searched for years" Elijah looked down in shame.

"wait you two know each other?" The Herald asked.

"Of course, the rumours weren't rumours the dreaded Demon Prince was the one who actually absorbed the Archdemon essence" She then turned to Elijah. "What are you doing here?" 

"I've come to offer any aid I can" Liliana turned to the Herald.

"Herald I don't know if you have made your decision yet but I will give you my word that we need Elijah's help with the Breach" The Herald looked between the spymaster and the Demon Prince. She let out a slow sigh.

"Okay, you can help but for now you will be watched when you are in Haven" Elijah bowed slightly.

"Thank you Lady Herald"

"Come on I'll show you around and introduce you to Dorian, I'll be sending you with him and my spies to protect them against demons" A low growl voiced itself as Bruno gently nudge Liliana's arm making her smile. "Yes I missed you to" she looked from Bruno to Elijah. "I missed you both"

Mages and demons don't mixDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora