Being set free

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Syllia blinked her eyes open as she awoke on the cold ice ground, looking around she saw Vivienne just finishing healing a wound on Cassandra's head. When Syllia went to stand up she noticed that only one of her daggers was on the ice lake in front of her. After grabbing it and gripping it tightly in her hand she looked around frantically for the other one but couldn't see it anywhere. 

"Okay, that's it we need to go and put that demon down" Vivienne said venomously. Syllia was still looking around for her dagger. 

"Inquisitor," Cassandra said firmly placing her hand on Syllia's shoulder. "We need to go." Syllia slumped slightly letting out a sigh but nodded.

"Okay, but we're coming back here, I'm not leaving without that dagger" Vivienne resisted the urge to roll her eyes but agreed as the trio finally started walking. They followed the path of destruction which consisted of cracked ice and dying demons across the ice until a scorch mark led into the woods. They soon heard what sounded like talking as they finally came across Elijah, purple flames licking all over his body his eyes fully engulfed in flames as he glared at the desire demon, still in the man's form. Syllia then noticed in Elijah's hand slightly hidden behind his back was her dagger, she glared at him.

"See your already getting back to your old self. You just needed that little push to get you there"

"Shut up" Elijah growled. 

"Oh come on I'm trying to help you here! Has any your mortal "friends" tried to help you get your memories back?" 

"How is this supposed to help me?!" 

"Cause now you know who you are! Your not just some pet on a leash" The purple flames around Elijah start to die down as Elijah relaxes. The dagger in his hand loosens. "See, let me take you home." The desire demon starts to slowly walk towards Elijah.

"Elijah!" Syllia screams out making Elijah snap his head back to look at her the desire demon gives Syllia a look that could kill.

"Ah, look your little friends have come to kill you," at hearing this Elijah looked between the demon and the trio looking confused. "Oh didn't you know? They were just waiting for you to show your true colours so they could justify why they killed you" he looks to Syllia a distraught look in his eyes. The desire demon was now right in front of Elijah the demon pulls Elijah's face to look into it's eyes. "Come on Elijah, you need to trust me. I'm your friend." Elijah pulls them closer to him looking like he is going to hug the demon when out of no where, Elijah's grip on the dagger tighten as he thrusts it into the demons chest, making the man loose his form gasping in pain as he turned back into his demon form. As the demon fell, it's knees buckling under it's weight Elijah wraps his arms around them and holds them close as they begin to struggle to breath. Suddenly, a ice shard shot towards Elijah luckily it only cut his shoulder and grazed his cheek but he seemed unaffected by this. Tears fell down his face as the attacker, who turned out to be Vivienne readied another attack when Syllia grabbed the mages staff stopping her. Vivienne went to argue but saw Syllia looking at Elijah in shock and sadness as Elijah held the demon closer as it turned to ash and fell apart in his arms. Once the demon was gone Elijah turned around and begins to walk towards them, still holding the dagger. The trio raised their guard until Elijah was in front of Syllia he gently grabbed her hand and placed the dagger in hers before walking past the group. After they had collected themselves they quickly made their way back to the Inquistion camp when they got there they couldn't see Elijah anywhere Syllia walked up to an Inquisition solider.

"Hi, have you seen Elijah anywhere?"

"You mean that demon guy?" Syllia nodded.

"Oh when he got here he asked for transport back to Skyhold, he's on his way back" Syllia, Cassandra and Vivienne arrived a day or two after Elijah had when they entered the hold the Inquisitors advisors and the inner circle, apart from Blackwall and Sera came up to them.

"What in Andreste happened out there? When Elijah returned he just walked towards the cells and shut himself in his cell." Dorian said clearly worrying about the demon. 

"Look, we will explain all we can, but we should do this somewhere private" Syllia said looking to her friends. "Everyone meet up in the war room." Varric however went down into the cells, where he saw Blackwall stood leaning outside of Elijah's cell where he had been most of the time since Elijah had returned. When Varric saw Sera in the cell sat crossed-legged next to Elijah, Varric looked to Blackwall.

"How did she manage to get in there?" 

"It wasn't locked, no one has come down here since Elijah came back, I think the guards are scared of him even more now" That was when Varric noticed Blackwall's sword on his hilt, he would never usually wear the sword in Skyhold and even when he came to visit Elijah before hand he never had it with him. But when Elijah had returned there was rumours of soldiers planning to 'get rid of the demon themselves' that was when Blackwall had started wearing his sword more. 


"So your saying he remembers now?" Iron Bull asks.

"I'm not to sure, the demon kept on saying about how we was back to normal, and how they helped him to remember" Syllia said still trying to understand what had happened herself. 

"Well, really the only one who can explain what is happening is Elijah, but he hasn't left that cell since he came back" Dorian said.

"Maybe we can try and convince Elijah to meet us up here to talk?" Josephine suggested.

"Why would he agree to talk to the one's who put him in the cell in the first place?" Solas argued.

"Well, we need to find a way to talk to him" Liliana snapped back.

"No need," The room turned to see Elijah entering with Varric, Sera and Blackwall. "I'm ready to tell you everything. I know who I am" But when he said that he didn't sound happy or relieved he sound sad or more to the point scared. 

Mages and demons don't mixDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora