Finding the Truth

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The old rotting piece of wood that had been left on the floor to serve as Elijah's bed left a lot to be desired, but he was desperate to get in any sleep no matter how bad the sleeping arrangement was. He had spent most of his night tossing and turning it wasn't until he heard the sound of the cell door opening that he stirred awake. Rolling over he could see Cassandra standing in the doorway.

"We need your help"

"You really want my help right now?"

"We... need your help. There's been demon attacks but these one seems more organised then the ones we've come across."

"And what? You think I'm doing it? The Demon Prince commanding his armies?"

"Listen, I understand you're not happy-"

"No, no not happy would be the chef mixing up my order again. I am heartbroken, that the people who I thought were my friends don't trust me."

"Look, I understand you're not in the best position right now. But people are getting hurt, I've never known you to be the kind of person to just sit by and let that happen. If you can help us figure out what is going on, it would help towards showing you really are here to help us"

"Okay, fine I'll help" Elijah stands up and Cassandra holds his door open for him. Elijah walks out of his cell being out of his cell in what felt like a lot longer than it actually was. Cassandra led him through Skyhold towards the courtyard. As they walked throughout Skyhold Elijah couldn't help but notice the soldiers giving him an extra wide berth. As they arrived at the courtyard, Elijah could see the Inquisitor and Vivienne waiting for them. As he was about to walk up to them Cassandra stopped him handing him his staff. As Elijah grabbed the staff Cassandra held on leaning forward slightly.

"I talked her out of putting you in chains" Elijah knew this wasn't meant to be a threat this was a warning. Nodding to Cassandra she let go of the staff and approached the Inquisitor and Vivienne.

"Ah look who finally arrived" Vivienne said glaring at Elijah.

"Are you ready to go?" The Inquisitor said very solemnly. Before Elijah could answer a voice spoke up behind him.

"Hold on a minute" Looking back Elijah could see Varric walking up to him.

"We don't have time for this Varric" The Inquisitor said quickly.

"I'm just here to say goodbye to the kid, that's it" Syllia sighs.

"Then make it quick" Varric nods turning to walk away Elijah following. As Syllia watched them walk away she turns to Vivienne and Cassandra. "If anything happens, if he loses control again, I need you to take him out." Cassandra is shocked at this and whispers.

"You can't be serious" Syllia looks at her.

"I'm not willing to risk him getting out of control, that's why I need you both here, I can't have you hesitate on this" Cassandra pauses for a moment before nodding solemnly. She looks to Vivienne.

"Oh, you'll have no problems from me darling" Syllia nods as she looks up and sees Elijah approaching.

"What did Varric want?" Syllia asks. Elijah doesn't answer at first but Syllia sees a book in his hand.

"Varric just wanted to give me the manuscript for his next book, he wants to know if he has written the mages right." Syllia nods and the group departs from Skyhold.

The journey towards Emprise De Lion, had seemed to last forever in Elijah's mind. Though he knew it had only been a few hours the journey would only take a few days but already it had felt like an eternity. Between the gaps of painful silence, Vivienne had attempted to strike up a conversation with both Syllia and Cassandra, though it was painfully obvious neither one was willing to talk. The entire time Elijah had begun to feel out of place something he hadn't felt since before he joined the Inquisition. Almost as if all the progress he had made had been erased and he was nothing more than a demon yet again. By the time they had crossed the mountains he could almost feel an itching under his skin. That awkward feeling of being around people as the day began to end and dust had settled in Syllia had decided it was time to set up camp. Finding a protective spot to protect him from the cold wind the group began to set up camp, as Elijah set to pitch his tent he was soon stopped by Vivienne.

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