Old "friends"

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(A/N sorry for the late update guys, been super stressed from University work in my final year, I was meaning to say thank you guys for over 400 views! I cannot believe this!! Without further adu please enjoy the next chapter)

The courtroom was silent as Syllia sat on her throne. Elijah, shackles bound around his wrists, stood before her awaiting judgment. Syllia sat up straight, deep in concentration.

"Elijah" she finally spoke "it has come to the inner circle's attention, by your own confession, that you have committed crimes against the people of Thedas," Elijah looked down in shame, not able to look at anyone. "You have confessed to the murder of two homesteaders, do you have anything to say in your defence?"

Elijah remains silent.

Syllia looked down at the man she thought she knew

"Usually the punishment for such crimes is imprisonment or even death" a mummer rose from the back of the court. "However, I am not unsympathetic to your current circumstances, and I have taken into consideration your past actions both here in the inquisition and your service during the fifth blight. Due to this, I have decided that, until further notice, that you will remain here at Skyhold. You will aid the researchers here under strict guard. Do you have any objections?"

Elijah only stared at the ground for a moment, when he finally answered his voice seemed devoid of life.

"I can't stay here" At Elijah suddenly speaking, Syllia raised her eyebrow at this.

"Oh really? Why not?" Elijah opened his mouth to speak but after thinking for a second changed his answer.

"There's somewhere I need to go, I can't say here" This seemed to irritate Syllia.

"Seriously? You have already proven to us that you're dangerous and that I can't trust you to be out of my sight. I have given my verdict and unless you can give me a good reason why you can't stay here then it will be final"

"I... I can't tell you, it's personal" Syllia frowned upon hearing this.

"Well as you have decided not to tell us, I cannot know for sure how important this task of yours is. So your punishment will begin now" Elijah opened his mouth to argue but saw no point, so he closed his mouth and allowed the guard to lead him to the library.

The bookshelves, once familiar and teaming with knowledge, now felt like the walls of a prison cell. A cold chill ran through the room as Elijah sat at his usual desk. Half written notes were strewn across it, different research is demons, their weaknesses and how to defeat them. Elijah's stomach dropped as he glanced over them, memories of past life he had no part in dancing before his eyes. But it all led back to one place. A life long promise he wasn't willing to break.

Looking to the liberty door Elijah knew he couldn't escape, even if he did Liliana's voice Drifting down from the rookery above reminded him that he wouldn't last long out on his own. But then a thought crossed his mind, he could never escape on his own, but he didn't need to. Tearing off a scrap of paper Elijah grabbed his quill. He didn't know if this would work but it was his only chance.

The sleeping giant was one of those inn's firmly off the beaten path, located between nowhere and the abyss of nothingness that was the forest to the north. It was the perfect place for Elijah to hide, the owner didn't ask too many questions ,especially when he kept the hood of his cloke up so no one could see his horns, when he rented a room and the place was usually quiet, at least until tonight. Elijah had been staying at the inn for the last few days. while he'd usually sleep in the wilds, he had grown accustomed to real beds and he felt like treating himself for once. He'd sent Bruno off into the wilds though he could still hear him close by at night and he'd heard some of the patrons talking about a monster in the woods. He'd need to leave soon but he could afford a few more nights.

That was as long as it stayed quiet. The past few days had been peaceful but tonight had been different. Several groups of adventurers had come through the area, some stopping at the inn. Elijah had been reading through a new book, secrets of the second blight, when they had arrived. At first it was a small group looking to join the Grey Wardens. Then it was a particularly annoying elf who was currently sitting by the hearth, a barmaid sitting on his lap as he regaled a small audience with tails of fighting darkspawn. He was soon followed by a trio of humans who quietly sat themselves down in the back corner.

For the most part this was tolerable, that was until the elf's story got a laugh from the crowd. But as he looked over to the elf he saw it. For a split second the elf was watching him from the corner of his eye. No it couldn't be, Elijah turned back to his book, he was just being paranoid, he had to be. But what if he was right? Turning back to his book Elijah waited for a moment, from the corner of his eye he could see the elf, sitting quietly. Then the moment came, as the elf reached over to get his drink, Elijah glanced over his shoulder. It was quick and subtle but the elf's eyes glanced over to him before turning back to the crowd.

Ok so he was definitely watching him. But now was not the time to panic. All he needed to do was wait a few minutes, calmly get up, leave the inn, go find Bruno and everything would be ok. Elijah took a deep breath but his heart was already racing. Time felt like it was slowing down, how long had it been? Should he leave now? After what felt like an eternity Elijah took another deep breath and stood up. As he walked over to the exit he glanced over to the elf. Even as he continued his story his eyes followed Elijah across the room.

As Elijah walked out into the heavy, freezing, rain his heart was pounding in his chest, everything in him made him want to break out into a full sprint. But he couldn't, not until he was far enough away. As he walked towards the treeline, for a faint second, he heard footsteps behind him. Readying his magic Elijah turned around only to feel the sharp pain of a wooden club hitting his face followed by cold wet ground.

Thunder cracked as Elijah tried to regain his senses. He felt disoriented as he rolled himself over to look at the sky, his vision was blurry but he could see the two figures standing over him.

"Is that him?"

"How many people you seen round 'er with horns?"

"Alright alright i was just asking. What do we do now"

"Go get the rope"

Elijah's vision began to return, looking up he recognised the man standing over him. He was with two other men from the inn, the ones who had come in after the elf. The man leaned down, a broken grin spread across his face.

"You're gonna make us a lot of money"

Elijah's head was spinning too much to focus to cast any magic.

"Oy what are you" the voice of who Elijah could only assume was the second man was cut off. Looking over Elijah watched the man fall to his knees, an arrow logged in his throat.

"You bastard I'll..."

Elijah looked up to the man standing over him as he fell back, an arrow in his chest. Looking around he couldn't see where the arrow had come from but his ears were ringing and the cold rain was beginning to make Elijah go numb. Rolling over and getting to his knees Elijah looked up as from the shadows a figure walked towards him.

Looking up Elijah saw him, the elf was standing there, a bow in his hands, a smirk across her face. Then he saw it, the third man from the group was creeping up on the elf, a clever in his hand. Elijah wanted to call out but before he could the man lunged. But as the blade fell the elf was already moving, a dagger now in his hand. By the time the attacker realised he missed it was too late, the elf's blade slashed across his neck. The man fell to the floor clutching his neck, his choking drowned out by the rain.

The elf approached Elijah looking down to him.

"I thought that Qunari were bigger... and not so cute"

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