Heaven's burning

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Elijah spent a few hours talking to Rosaline and Alistair catching up with them for them hours Elijah almost forgot about the world around them, but the real world broke the trio up when Rosaline and Alistair were told they had to return to Denerim.

"Elijah, why don't you come with us?" Rosaline asked making Elijah's eyes widen in shock.

"Wha- what do you mean?"

"Come back to Denerim with us, you could be our magic adviser or something" Elijah would be lying if he said the offer wasn't tempting him but then he saw Dorian talking to Syllia about staying and the blush returned to his face.

"I would love nothing more, but I think I'm gonna stay here, but I promise that I will come and visit" Both Alistair and Rosaline quickly followed Elijah's view and raised their eyebrows teasingly at someone who they saw as their little brother, despite him being older than them.

"Ooooooooohhhhh, I get what you're saying" Rosaline sang teasingly seeing the blush deepen on Elijah. "You like him don't you?" Elijah became flustered.

"I don't know what you're on about! He's just my friend!" Alistair smirked at this.

"You keep telling yourself that" Elijah threw his hands in the air in exasperation before walking away. "We'll be in touch about the visit!" Alistair called after him chuckling, whilst Rosaline walked up to Dorian and grabbed his arm to pull him to the side.

"Dorian is it?" He nodded. "I just wanted to let you know, if you hurt Elijah in any way, I will personally hunt you down and kill you" Dorian looked both scared and confused at this but before he could ask she patted his arm and smiled kindly as if she hadn't just threatened him. "Don't worry about it for now" Dorian nodded slowly before walking away to find Elijah stroking Bruno's head outside the castle gates his face red in embarrassment.


After the group and agents had travelled back to Haven, luckily this time because of the Herald being there Elijah could travel without the chains. Elijah was given a tent outside of the village where he could sleep he was happy with anything as long as he could help with the Breach. But on the first night back he tried to get some sleep but just like all of the nights on the road nightmares filled his dreams. He was able to hide it on the road, or at least he thought he had in reality every time he woke up in a cold sweat and stayed up the rest of the night Dorian had noticed Elijah waking up terrified. This night had been the same but instead of just lying in his bed roll pretending to be asleep Elijah got out of his bed roll and walked to the fire near his tent and sat in front of it. In the darkness he could see Bruno fast asleep outside the tent the cold air hit Elijah, but the fire warmed him enough to withstand it.

"Couldn't sleep, I see?" Elijah looked up to see Dorian walking up to him.

"Not tonight" Elijah mumbled tiredly.

"Do you mean not again?" Elijah looked to him surprised. "I know you haven't gotten a good night's sleep since we left Redcliff castle" Elijah looked down. "What's keeping you up?" Elijah took a shaky breath.

"I remembered everything from that year" Dorian's eyes widened in shock before turning sympathetic, remembering what had happened to Elijah in that year. "It was only small flashes but now I remember everything from the stitches and the chains to what I did" Dorian placed his hand on Elijah's shoulder.

"You were forced into servitude; you didn't choose to do anything" Elijah felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes.

"That still doesn't change the fact that I can remember seeing the terrified faces of all the innocent people I slaughtered" The tears now fell from his eyes; Dorian was unsure on what to do in this case.

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