Of blood and magic

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The Herald had finally shown up to the camp looking injured, cold and tired she spent a few days resting before Solas had told her of a place in the mountains she should led the inquisition. During the days that Syllia healed Elijah spent morning his friend and healing physically and emotionally from the attack. Dorian had helped heal most of Elijah's wounds as best as he could as when the healers came to see Elijah they quickly left refusing to heal a demon. 

The trek through the mountains was tough but the survivors had made it through everything and soon arrived to a large castle called Skyhold. Once they arrived the survivors were given rooms, of course Elijah got a room but the smallest one closest to the dungeon. Even then it was very begrudgingly from the agent who showed him to his room. Once he had settled in, and changed into more casual clothes, Elijah decided to go on a walk around the castle to clear his head after wandering for a while he ended up finding the library where he began to browse through the many books that were in the bookshelves. 

"Ah, I see you found the library as well?" Elijah turned to see Dorian walking up to him holding an open book he was reading. "Amazing how many were just here when we arrived" Elijah nodded looking through the titles.

"Any here you would recommend?" Dorian thought for a minute before pulling out a book and handing it over.

"This should be good for you to start off" as a few weeks passed Elijah would find himself hanging out with Varric, Solas, Liliana and even Syllia but mostly he would find himself in the libaray reading books with Dorian and talking about them. In the weeks Dorian had also introduced him to chess, which Elijah never won a match against Dorian or anyone for that matter. For the first few nights Elijah woke up in a cold sweat the memories of the year that happened with the elder one now fresh in his mind from the attack on Haven. But now his nightmares filled with Bruno's pained cries as he died in front of Elijah. Every time this would happen Elijah would go on a walk thorugh the castle he would want to go to Dorian as he had back at Haven but didn't want to wake him for something as stupid as a nightmare. So this would lead him back to the libarary where he would grab a book and read until the sun came up. One of the times he did this however, he accidently fell asleep in the large chair near the window when Dorian came up that morning he sighed seeing Elijah fast asleep with a book in his hands. "They're happening again aren't they?" Dorian asked one day in the middle of them reading making Elijah look up in worry. "I found you asleep on that seat, for a few nights now" 

"It's fine, they'll stop eventually" Dorian shuck his head. 

"Why did they stop the first time?" Elijah thought for a second before looking away from Dorian. "Because you talked about them" Elijah sighed knowing Dorian was right and he should talk about it.

"I shouldn't be this weak" Elijah whimpered out. "People act in fear of me, yet I'm scared of dreams" Dorian saw the tears in Elijah's eyes and walked up to him and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

"They shouldn't fear you and you shouldn't be putting this much pressure on yourself" Elijah took a shaky breath. "Now come on talk me through these dreams."

After Elijah had talked about the dreams they would stop, they popped up every now and again but Dorian made Elijah promise to come to him if these happened. Elijah didn't want to at first but Dorian said he would sit outside his room if he found out he was hiding the nightmares from him. After a few weeks of living at Skyhold Elijah sensed a rift opening on the border of Recliff village but this time it had guests. Elijah found himself walking towards Syllia's room and knocking on the door and waited until she responded. Upon entering Elijah gave a polite nod before speaking.

"Inqusitor, I have recently sensed a Fade rift opening up on the outskirts of Redcliff Village. I understand we have more pressing issues but this is different then the other rifts this time there seems to be something or someone interfering with it" Syllia seemed intrested by this.

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