...but finding the truth is worth the suffering

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Cold, dark and damp the cells of Skyhold had a lot to be desired. Despite the dullness of his last accommodation Elijah would not rate his cell highly among some of the places he has had to sleep. After what happened with the man in his room, the Inquisitor had the soldiers place Elijah in a cell, they had found out the man had been a Desire demon. As soon as Elijah was in his cell he didn't saying a word, the pain in his head was back and hurt more than ever, he felt weak from his panic attack and could barely think straight, was that demon telling the truth? Did he really torture demons? Did he sleep with them? Did he really kill innocent people? As he sat in the cell for hours he sat with his own thoughts driving him insane.

"Hey kid," Elijah slowly glanced up to see Varric outside the cell. Varric was looking at him sympathetically. "I tried to get the Inquisitor to let you out, didn't work to well afraid to say" He says trying to lighten the mood, but Elijah just looks back down to the floor. "If it means anything, a lot of us don't think you should even be in this place, you should be up in the library doing what you would normally be doing" He sighed shaking his head. "But the Inquisitor was adamant in you being here" Still looking down Elijah speaks up in a small broken voice.

"What if that demon was right? If I did all those things, I'm no better than my father."

"That's nonsense Elijah, you're a good person. I know I'm not a good person but even if you don't think you are what you've been doing here has saved a lot of lives. The Inquisition is a second chance for a lot of people so why can't it be for you?" Elijah just lets out a sigh as his head hangs lower. Varric sighs sadly before looking to check the guards aren't looking before pulling out a small bag. "Sera stole you some treats from the kitchen, wanted me to give them to you" He sneaks the bag through the bars into the cell when there is still no reply he stands up from crouching down to put the bag in. "I'll come see you tomorrow, I'll see if I can get through to Syllia."


Varric made his way to the Inquisitor's quarter to find Syllia he found her leaning against her table against her hands. She sighs and shakes her head.

"Not now Varric"

"You locked him in a cell"

"I said not now Varric"

"You locked him in a cell"

"Well what do you suggest I do?" She said finally turning to him.

"I don't know maybe talk to him? Try to help him figure this out?"

"Well I tried that"

"No, you tried to talk to him, then you decided he would be better off in a cell"

"We don't know what he's capable of"

"Yeh, we never have! And when was the last time you treated him like this?!" Syllia doesn't respond not even able to look Varric in the eye. "Are you going to do this to Cole next?" For a moment it looks like Varric's words hadn't registered but before he could react Syllia had turned up the desk books and paper flying across the room.

"YOU THINK I WANT TO DO THIS?! He's been lying to us; he says he doesn't remember what he has done! But he calls himself the Prince of Demons."

"Do you think that really means anything?"

"Yes, he's like nothing we have ever encountered before. You don't know what he's capable of, you haven't seen what he can do. Who's to say he couldn't massacre this entire fortress"

"Even if he could, do you think he would want to? And do you really think a jail cell would hold him?" Syllia doesn't respond. "Right now, that kid needs us, and you've abandoned him. I don't know what he's going through, but I know he shouldn't be going through it alone" Varric turns to leave.

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