A higher calling

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(A/N I'm calling the Hero of Ferelden Rosaline and above is a picture of Renée Elise Goldsberry and this is how Rosaline looks like)

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(A/N I'm calling the Hero of Ferelden Rosaline and above is a picture of Renée Elise Goldsberry and this is how Rosaline looks like)

It had been ten years since Elijah's adopted parents had been slaughtered by the Templars since then Elijah had now longer hair that went down to the back of his head, that he tied in a pony tail, he had a few scars from fighting his enemies but luckily the Pride demon who saved him all those years ago still protected him. After a few days of travelling together Elijah had named his new friend, Bruno so not to get confused with any other demons. 

Elijah had gotten a bit taller but was probably the same size of a average male human, which always annoyed the Qunari as he had always heard his race was tall and very strong but he was small and slender. Despite his physical weakness his magical powers had only grown in strength allowing him to learn more spells and communicate to more and more demons. As the time had grown Elijah had noticed more and more creatures called Darkspawn roaming around the Arbor wilds he had never wanted to get involved with humans or any other races but this seemed to threaten all of Thedas and he couldn't allow innocent people to suffer. 

Elijah had heard about a large battle where the king had fallen apparently betrayed by the Grey Wardens who were meant to slay an Archdemon. The Grey Wardens were all killed apart from two. For days Elijah and Bruno spent every waking moment tracking down these two until there trail led them to the Brecilian Forest. Upon entering it they heard fighting Elijah soon saw a female and a male warrior fighting a group of werewolves. Elijah noticed they were both wearing Grey Warden uniforms. As the two were getting surrounded by the werewolves Elijah's eyes glowed purple as he nodded down to the two allowing Bruno to jump down and rip the werewolves to pieces. As the last werewolf fell the two Grey Wardens raised their weapons to the demon when Elijah spoke up.

"It's okay he won't hurt you" The two looked to Elijah his eyes now dimmed back to their natural colour as he gave them a warm smile. "So you must be Alistair and Rosaline, your just the Grey Wardens I was looking for" This made the two look very nervous. "Don't worry I'm not here to hurt you in fact, I want to help you to defeat this blight".

"Um no offence but usually the people with the demons are the ones who are trying to kill us." Alistair said with a raised eyebrow.

"I understand but please believe me I usually wouldn't get involved with things like this but this blight threatens all of Thedas and I cannot let innocent people die" Rosaline looked at the young Qunari mage warily at first before sheaving her sword and walked towards him and held out her hand.

"Okay, you can join us, just make sure your friend here doesn't kill us" Bruno growled to her but Elijah, after shaking Rosaline's hand placed a gentle hand on it's head calming it.

"Don't worry he only hurts people who are trying to kill me" He followed the two back to a Dalish camp where they were allowed in but they refused to let Elijah follow thinking he was a demon even when they cleared it up they refused to let him in. "I'll wait here" Elijah sighed Alistair and Rosaline looked to each other and then back to Elijah.

"Are you sure?" Rosaline asked.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I'm used to this happening" When Rosaline gave Elijah a sympathetic look it actually surprised him. As he leaned against the nearest tree he tried to ignore the death glares that the Dalish hunters were giving him. Just as Bruno started getting more and more angry Alistair and Rosaline came back making Elijah smiling warmly.

"Okay, were gonna head back to camp and we can introduce you to everyone then we make our way to the lands-meet" Alistair informed Elijah. It took them a few hours of walking but eventually the trio and Bruno made it to the small camp area when they arrived Elijah suddenly felt nervous looking down before he felt someone take his hand. He looked up to see Rosaline giving him a comforting smile.

"Hey guys meet our newest companion, Elijah-" Rosaline looked to Elijah for a last name.

"Oh um I don't really have a last name, my adopted parents wanted me to take my real parents last name but we never got to find it out" Rosaline again gave him a comforting smile.

"Well, Elijah you've already met myself and Alistair, over there is Morrigan" She pointed over to a female Apostate who just stared at him but nodded in a way of greeting him. "That is Wynne" A elder woman who was wearing Circle clothes gave a polite nod. "And over there is Lilliana and Zevran" As Liliana went to greet Elijah Zevran quickly ran up to him starting at Bruno in amazement.

"Is that a demon?!" Elijah smiled nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeh, I call him Bruno he's been with me for.... about ten years" 

"That is amazing!" Rosaline smirked at the assassins amazement. 

"How have you managed to keep it controlled for this long?" Morrigan asked walking up to the group.

"Um, I don't really know, I've always been able to talk to demons" Elijah then realised his mistake as the group suddenly looked slightly scared of him feeling his friends fear Bruno began to growl. Elijah looked up to Bruno as his eyes glowed purple. "Bruno, it's okay" Bruno lowered down in a passive position.

"You can talk to demons?" Alistair asked surprised. "How?"

"I don't know since I was about six I started having dreams in the fade where demons would come up to me and instead of trying to kill or possess me they just went about their business or they befriended me, Bruno here was the first to befriend me" 

"But how is he here?" Liliana asked curiously.

"Well, when I was about ten my adopted families home was attacked by Templars they were looking for me but my adopted parents stood up for me, the Templars killed them and then chased me, I just remember getting really angry and then a portal appeared and Bruno climbed out. I researched it and it turns out I may of been able to reach into the Fade for a moment to summon protection". The group spent the rest of the night talking about their past to Elijah, Elijah couldn't help but smile at how cute Alistair and Rosaline acted to each other once they were not on a mission whilst everyone sat around the fire Rosaline would rest her head on Alistair's shoulder. When everyone started going to bed Elijah went over to Bruno who was laying on the ground fast asleep Elijah smiled and stroked Bruno's head softly and then gently sat down and rested his back against Bruno's chest softly closing his eyes and slowly falling asleep. 

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