chapter 10

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I closed  my blood stained fan cutting my self on the blades attached to it.

I stared at the body in front of me as i stud in the quiet alley way. i reached in to a pocket of my jacket and pulled out needle and thread and i connected them and went to the body and i begun the tack out all of the daggers still in it I put them all back into my jacket. then i bent down and started at the neck and stitched up the gash in the body's skin. I sowed . . . . .

. . . and sowed

. . . and sowed

. . . and sowed

. . . and sowed

. . . and eventually the were no cuts left on the body when

Ray, Gojo, Geto and Shoko came out looking for me. they all stared at me blood socked and not wearing my mask, liucky for me none saw my face but they saw the guy on the floor also blood socked, yet he was dead         very dead. they all suddenly remembered how to move Gojo and Geto ran to the man on the floor wile Shoko and Ray ran to you

"ARE YOU OKAY" i nodded " good. Gojo go get y/n a change of clothes for her room, Shoko Geto dispose of it," Ray said knowing that i lost control of some sort.

"y/n, do the FBI call you the puppeteer because you 'reaper' your victims like you would with a broken puppet?" Geto asked trying to cep calm in the situation.

"Yes and no it's becaus"

"I'M GONNA SAY THAT AGAIN! Gojo go get y/n a change of clothes for her room, Shoko Geto dispose of it, NOW" Ray yelled and the three left. A few minutes later Gojo returned with clean clothes but instead of leveeing he picked me up bridle stile and teleported away and into your dorm. i jumped up to his head and smacked him hard across it.

"y/nnnnn  what was that forrrrrrr" he yelled at me.

"why did you do that?" i yelled back,

"oooohhhhhh, well, Rachal text me to" he said no longer yelling.

"*sigh* okay, now out i need to change."

"No, i want to stay with you, please" Gojo said as he pined me to the wall, so i pulled him in by his white shirt.

"oh really~. and by the way your new white shirt is covered in that guys blood." he look down and noticed my hand had been covered in blood and i whipped them on his shirt.

"YYYYYYY/NNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled wile i was laughing at him in his new RED shirt. he ran next door to his  dorm.

"idiot!" i said still chuckling to myself.

The Puppeteer [S.Gojo x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now