The story

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Gojo's POV:

"So, let's start this program on what is a cursed Demon?" Said Mr. L/n to the crowd of people in front of him

"A cursed demon is similar to occur spirit in the fact that they are both born from humans put a curse Demon is much stronger than special grade cursed spirit. an example of this is that for a long period of time Sukuna was believed to be a curse spirit but in recent years we have figured out that he would've been a cursed Demon in the fact that he was very powerful and intelligent, another example is Terra the empress of elements, for over 3 million years she was seen as a cursed spirit, yet over the past 23 years we have discovered that Terra is indeed because I cursed Demon And the only curse team and stronger than Sukuna. Any questions?" After this 'little' speech many people raise their hands, including me, the mr L/n pointed at me and told me to tell him my question. Smiled my goofy smile as I always dead and said:

" Well Sir, how did you figure out Terra was a cursed Demon?" He looked at me and so did Y/n and she smiled her small smile and stood up.

"I know and I would love to come up and tell EVERYONE, Father" the room went silent dead silent, oh you could hear was pencils and paper as reporters wrote down what was happening, mr L/n raised his hand and gestured for her to come up, and she did,


"Well, my dear father would do his little experiments on me and my big Brother. You see . . . .

. . . .
My brother was a strong kid but to my fathers disappointment he didn't have enough cursed energy to be a Jujutsu sorcerer, so my father decided that he would put the heart of Terra in his body to give him some power,
But unfortunately his body couldn't take the change of going from now cursed energy to overwhelming amount of cursed energy. His body was attacking him from the inside out, he quickly died of exhaustion and poisoning from the New heart he had . . . . .

My father soon enough realised that I had enough cursed energy to but a Jujutsu sorcerer, so he decided that I would be his new project named

Project Puppet

The project was to make me the strongest jujutsu sorcerer alive, but I did not want to take part fear of that what happened to my brother would happen to me, so my father thought that he only solution was to Force me to take part, I fought back but I was but to sleep so that I couldn't get myself out of the situation,

The experiment worked and I was stuck with the cursed Demon Terra inhabiting my body for the rest of my life, but the experiments didn't stop

They actually got worse and worse to the point where I was never aloud to be in control of my own body, when I went to school I was bullying by almost everyone for the fact that I was









because my own DAD Needed to know the secrets of the demon Terra and how she worked more than he needed his family,

Eventually I got away and became close friends with Terra but everything ever since the day I got terra has been a complete and utter struggle so yeah . . . . .

That's how my father knows the how a cursed Demon works."

She sat back down next to me as the whole room stared at the man in The front, but I still concentrated on the Woman next to me who I just noticed had grabbed my hand holding it tightly

"Satoru, take me home I don't want to be here any longer than I have to" I nodded and we walk out

Hand in Hand

The Puppeteer [S.Gojo x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now