Chapter 15

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Gojo's POV:

Basically what's happening is am where is the beginning of episode two where he's telling Itadori what happened you know like flash bag so anyway back to the story,

"So that's what happened!" I said
"That story doesn't mach up"
"No but we can't destroy these things well I can't put someone else can wait give me a second I need to call her. . . . .

. . . Y/NNNN GET HERE!!!!" I yelled waiting for her to show up when suddenly Itadori gassed and I look behind me today to see a dark shadow with multiple eyes on the side of its face that was showing, The rest of its face had a mask white white mask at the small black heart and underneath the eye, it had a long sharp nails miss nails more claws, walked into the light to show a smile.

"What do you want Satoru?" It said in a calm town thought I recognised immediately to be the one of   y/n  l/n. Suddenly, the multiple eyes faded in all the different colours to leave one e/c and one Hidden but visibly red.

" explain how you can destroy the fingers"  I said chuckling the face on Itadori.

" okay, basically kid for some reason these fingers need oxygen, don't ask me why I can tell you, but,  I figured that out when I was experimenting on one. so basically if I take away all the oxygen from where ever it's contained I can kill it but the process for one finger can take at least a year or two at most a decade and that's where you come in! If you eat all of these fingers and die because inside are you will die with you, Do you understand?" She said that so fast that not even I could really keep up all I heard was 'oxygen',  'killed' and 'you come in'

" you see our elders are cowards, there demanding we kill you right away, but I think that's a waste," I said to the boy.

" A waste?" He asked confused I'm positive he didn't get what I mean but from the look on Y/N's face meant she know what I meant.

"there is no assurance another vessel capable of  handling Sukuna will ever be born again, so they've already decided to execute you why not wait until after you've absorbed all of Suknua the higher-ups agreed. so now you have two options you can die now or can absorb all of Sukuna and then die!!"

" hi Satoru, you know Sukuna can hear you, right!" Y/n said with concern in her voice that kind of shocked me saying she always seem to hate me for some reason.

" wait he can, COOL!!"

"Oh fuck, this isn't going to end well."

The Puppeteer [S.Gojo x y/n]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora